Once upon a time, Adam Miller <maxamill...@fedoraproject.org> said:
> Meeting started by maxamillion at 16:00:37 UTC. The full logs are
> available at
> https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-12-09/fesco.2016-12-09-16.00.log.html

So, this is a minor request...

I read email in mutt, a terminal-based mail client.  I have it
configured so I can open up URLs in lynx easily.  Recently though, I
can't open the agenda or logs from meetings in lynx.  I don't know when
this happened (I don't try to pull them up all the time, just when I see
something that interests me).

Any chance this could be addressed?
Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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