On Mon, 2016-12-12 at 14:33 -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> First, I'll note you don't need to get a new ticket every day, you
> can
> just renew with 'kinit -R'. I am not sure what env kinit needs, but
> you
> may even be able to do this from a cron job. That will work for 1
> week. 

You can even use systemd timers to do it! You can make these files:

[rbarlow@ohm ~]$ cat ~/.config/systemd/user/kinit-R.service 
Description=Renew Kerberos ticket

ExecStart=/usr/bin/kinit -R

[rbarlow@ohm ~]$ cat ~/.config/systemd/user/kinit-R.timer 
Description=Renew Kerberos ticket every four hours



Then you need to enable the timer:

$ systemctl --user enable kinit-R.timer

Hope that helps!

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