On Wednesday, 21 December 2016 at 18:33, Iiro Laiho wrote:
> > I agree — it's ideal to avoid these kind of things. However,
> > there are a *lot* of moving parts, and we just plain don't
> > have coverage for every use case.
> > Quality control exists
> But what it does actually mean? I wouldn't call three pseudonymous
> total amateurs yelling "works for me" quality control.

Now that's definitely uncalled for and I'd invite you to (re-)read
our Code of Conduct before posting anything:

You've just offended three people without knowing anything about them.

If you care about QA, do join the QA community or at least keep a watch
on your favourite packages and test updates whenever they're pushed to

> While Fedora likes to claim otherwise, one should probably see Fedora
> as a some kind of test bed for new technologies and those who do want
> actually reliable distro should look at things like CentOS. This
> regression could have been avoided by thinking before committing, but
> it wasn't.

Please do not assume that every maintainer knows everything about their
package(s). If you (think you) know better than the current maintainer,
do offer to help instead of criticizing. I'm sure it'll be appreciated.

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"Faith manages."
        -- Delenn to Lennier in Babylon 5:"Confessions and Lamentations"
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