On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 04:47:45PM +0000, Richard Hughes wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is the right mailing list for this issue.
> Basically, the paste.fedoraproject.org site has been recently changed,
> and it's basically useless for me now. This screenshot shows the
> issue: 
> https://people.freedesktop.org/~hughsient/temp/Screenshot%20from%202017-02-23%2016-38-52.png
> My frustration is that with all the beautifully designed CSS and
> padded chrome around everything we can only fit 22 lines of actual
> text on the screen. That's about half of the lines that I can get when
> using http://pastebin.com and a third of what I can get with
> https://paste.opensuse.org. The paste URLs from the latter are also
> https://paste.opensuse.org/53391866 (35 chars) compared to
> https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/3epoM9U0i4oKyPlw7Z6nfl5M1UNdIGYhyRLivL9gydE=
> (82 chars)
> I find myself no longer using paste.fedoraproject.org -- it can't just
> be me being a grumpy old man, can it? Am I holding it wrong?

I agree with the url being too long. About the sizes, you can alway append
'/raw' in the end of the URL or use --rawurl on fpaste. I am not aware
of the details on why we moved to this new paste, but I also agree that
we do not need a fancy website for that and maybe that was not the
reason we moved.

Athos Ribeiro

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