On 16 March 2017 at 04:50, Nico Kadel-Garcia <nka...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > And one more clarification: remove static libraries from glibc distro
> > packages does not blocks static linking.
> > It will only removes possibility linking against static glibc libraries.
> Yes. This is a blocker for some people, who want *completely* static
> binaries to have complete binary control of their active package.
> glibc changing from a random update and possibly introducing a
> regression problem is anathema to some critical software developers,
> and the compilation of completely static binaries has been helpful for
> cross-platform compatibility, for building chroot cages, and for
> building well managed containers of various sorts.

There are few typical scenarios when someone may want to have 100% static
1) to have binary independent from ABI changes on distribution level in any
used shared libraries.

So here is kind contradiction because my past experience that such binaries
are used so long (+6 years) that it causes silent issues with conflicts on
kernel<->user space and sooner or later initial intention turns into
disaster as no one remembers who and how initially such binary was made.

2) some bootstrapping scenarios like for example static linking grub

In such cases binaries are will be regenerated with every small change in
non-public ABI/API changes will be followed by immediate recompilation of
such binaries so ris here is effective null and such limited number
binaries should be accepted and carefully maintained.
Scenario when such special binaries been crafted for initrd already are
nullified because today even smallest systems have enough memory to use
regular shared libraries. Simple one one needs today to fit such initrds on
3.5' floppy disk with 1.44MB available storage.

3) some people are thinking that static linking make sense from performance
or resource consumption perspective.

Here is the issue that such binaries would be typically moved/propagated
around to different location executed in multiple instances. What was
initial intention of saving memory typically turns into higher memory
consumption. As long as such binaries will be detached from original
locations installed by regular locations risk that those binaries will be
used longer to expose them to risk created by kernel<->user space ABI
changes and internal glibc is relatively high.


> > Number of changes in glibc in internal NSS interface where quite big in
> recent years, and if someone will/is using statically linked binary where
> > NSS interface is in use such binary will be loading NSS modules
> (probably)
> > compiled against not correct glibc.Result: execution of such binaries
> will
> > fail or even crash with SIGSEV.
> > This scenario is covered literally as well in glibc documentation:
> > https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/FAQ#Even_statically_
> linked_programs_need_some_shared_libraries_which_is_not_
> acceptable_for_me.__What_can_I_do.3F
> You seem to pointing out that NSS is a stability problem. You're quite
> right. Saying that "NSS is unstable, therefore glibc should be forced
> to dynamic libraries only" does not follow. The underlying API for
> nsswitch.conf and NSS does not change that quickly, it's the feature
> churn for add-ons that are being tied into NSS. For high stability
> software, *who cared*? You won't use the most recent NSS changes, and
> if you do, they're quite likely to be available the the glibc static
> library at the time you compile them. Statically.

You are wrong that this is abut messiness/stability of the NSS interface.
We are talking about *internal glibc ABI/API* on which *none of the
system/distribution binaries should rely on such internal interfaces which
any project maintainer has freedom to change without even noticing this in

Using statically linked binaries creates RISK here if those binaries will
be not refreshed.
As long as number of such binaries will be limited and will be under
regular distro hood control I have no problems with such binaries.
As long as whole distribution consumer may start using such internal ABI
interface we are entering on area where sooner or later initial honest
intention will turn against someone who had such intention.
Here is really end of the story if you will really accept meaning,
consequences and existence of internal libraries APIs/ABIs. This is why
executable binaries have public symbols tables. NSS is not part of the
public interface.

Risk of not to be exposed on internal NSS ABI changes can be very easy
nullified by using in such rare cases static linking with libc like uClibc
which has no NSS interface.

> > Example: RH/Fedora is using bash which is linked against own copy of
> > readline (provided within bash original source tree). It was few CVEs in
> > readline in recent years and some people been exploiting fact that bash
> > was/is linked against readline with well known security issue.
> > So here is surprise: in case finding new 0-day bug(s) in readline it
> will be
> > necessary to provide not one readline fixed package but two .. readline
> and
> > bash.
> >
> > Yes. RH/Fedora bash has some very well known security flaw which hanging
> > above whole distro reputation like a Damocles sword!!!
> > In last 20 years I've been trying to convince few people to remove
> exactly
> > this bash risk but last time when I've been trying this my English was
> not
> > good enough to express this enough clear and strong. Maybe this time ..
> Good luck with that. Then please, raise it. I don't think you're going
> to get anywhere with it. Bash is one of the components that *must* be
> stable. A glibc update that introduces a problem could break the very
> update processes used to update bash.

Just try to check *BSDs, Solaris and even few other Linux distros how it is
with readline linking before raising this that it is about stability of

BTW: this subject has a bit bigger context as bash provides /bin/sh in
Problem is that other OSes are a bit more strict about using non-SH syntax
when "#!/bin/sh" is used in scrip preamble. Occasionally it causes some
confusion when such script written on Linux will be moved to other OS
platform and suddenly it stop correctly working.
/bin/sh is one of the core parts of the OS binaries. Dependencies here
should be as short as it is really only possible.
All those problems is possible to solve in few months (I've done it one
time on scale whole Linux distribution) by changing /bin/sh to real SH like
ksh93 or pdksh (today ksh is better candidate).
A lot of work could to be done before final switch but it will produce
system base image without risks which are come with bash as /bin/sh

In last decade bash already created enough number CVEs to start thinking
about moving away from bash as /bin/sh provider.
Sun/Oracle already done careful ksh security review which bash never had
done. Because ksh is very small and his main goal is provide /bin/sh number
of any future changes will be very well known and limited to cleanups and
bug fixes.
Changing /bin/sh to real SH interpreter IMO should be kind of long term
Fedora target. It will be not easy and maybe even painful but minimize
/bin/sh dependencies and minimize security risk is IMO worth to start
thinking about some preparations to be opened on such change in the future.
Other issue is that bash is not the fastest /bin/sh interpreter :)

Nevertheless I don't want to discuss this subject now. This should be
discussed separately.
If someone want to continue please extract above and change subject.


> > Summarising. There are at least three reasons why static libraries
> should be
> > completely removed from distribution:
> > 1) Constant ABI changes
> > 2) Security risk
> > 3) Waste of time/resources on building and providing static libraries
> And reasons to keep them.
> 1) Complete software stability
> 2) Regession failures generated by buggy library updates
> 3) The difficulty of forcing restarts of all daemons which use the
> updated libraries to incorporate the updates, rather than forcing an
> update of the package itself with associated, schedulable daemon
> restarts.

Again: minimize /bin/sh dependencies. Minimize number of other
dependencies. Here are laying *biggest* deposits of minimize such risks
(waaay bigger than those related to static linking).
Small example.
Long time ago I've been able to gain minimize number of dependencies by
injecting LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed" into %configure macros. As on mean time
cmake emerged this move will be not so effective as it was decade ago.
Today I think that better solution could apply small change in ld default
behavior to use by default ---as-need (and make -fno-as-needed optional).
This could be done in one few lines patch (few lines .. because it would be
good IMO add printing warning that linking with some libraries was
dropped). Result would be reduction whole distribution rpm REQUIRES entries
by at least 10-20%.
For example Fedora rawhide still is in the middle openssl migration to
1.1.x. If  before this migration all packages would be linked with
--as-need it will be necessary to rebuild much less packages.
Printing by ld warnings may allow fix original build code by remove
redundant -l<foo> in those frameworks implementations.
Few weeks ago I've done short experiment with injecting
LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-need" into %configure parameters of the gnome-shell.spec.
After producing two binary packages with and without -Wl,--as-need here is
the diff of the output of the queries:

$ rpm -qp --qf "[%{REQUIRENAME} %{REQUIREFLAGS:depflags}
%{REQUIREVERSION}\n]" gnome-shell-3.2*.fc26.x86_64.rpm

--- gnome-shell.cur     2016-09-18 12:51:51.496412774 +0100
+++ gnome-shell.new     2016-09-19 20:16:59.613362311 +0100
@@ -62,10 +62,6 @@
@@ -96,7 +92,6 @@
@@ -114,12 +109,10 @@

As you see only this package is not using libstdc++ and in case of any ABI
changes in libstdc++ library force rebuild of this package will be not
In this exact case libical SONAME dependencies have been reduced so ld.so
will be not allocating and initializing jump tables between some binaries
and ical libraries.
Remove libstdc++ dependency has been done by jet another not widely known
trick that gcc can be used to compile C++ code as long as it is relatively
simple code. So in this case %configure parameters has been changes to add:

%configure \
+       CXX="%{__cc}" \
+       CXXFLAGS="%{optflags} -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions" \
+       LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed" \

In some extreme cases using -fno-exceptions can *reduce size of the
generated code by up to 30%* and such code will be no longer using
Such compile time modification may be a bit risk in case using it to
compile libraries (as produced libraries will be not possible to handle
exceptions across C++ object inheritance trees but some projects like KDE
have strict policy about not use and not provide exceptions support as to
heavy technique (on code size) so they are already in original build
framework deliberately injecting -fno-exceptions, however in case regular
executable program binaries this trick brings only good things.

Back to linker optimisations.
I know that in some extreme packages cases using linker with --as-need *can
halven* number of SONAME package dependencies.

In other words all those goals which you mention are not strictly related
to static linking and it is possible to do a lot (or much more) to minimize
such risks without even thinking about provide glibc-static. Static linking
with glibc touches at the moment only few packages. Reduction of SONAME
dependencies will be related probably to ~3/4 of all Fedora packages so we
are talking about ~15k packages.
Do you see how few lines change cay change few magnitude orders more? (if
you are really care about regression problems/risks coming from

Spreading ld with a bit different behavior printing warnings about overuse
some -l<foo> in longer consequences will not only improve Fedora binaries
health but as long as source code maintainers of the packages used by
Fedora will start use changed ld they will see that they can improve linker
settings of own projects.
Such subjects should be consulted with binutils maintainers because they
would able to asses risk of doing such change.
As long as I've done many times full recompilation on the scale of whole
distribution in the past I know that sometimes is necessary to add small
linker fix when library X is linked with other libraries A and B and only A
is used and linked executable is using libX and libB ABI but has no -lB in
linker options, but majority of those changes have been already merged to
most of the packages source trees.

Tomasz Kłoczko | LinkedIn: *http://lnkd.in/FXPWxH <http://lnkd.in/FXPWxH>*
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