Friday, 24 March 9:27 a.m. -0000, Jeff Bastian wrote:
> Can Freon check if sensors-detect has been run before, and if not, pop
> up a dialog box asking to run it and warn about the risks?

Yes, if you haven't run `sensors-detect` yet, Freon says that you need to do so 
instead of showing the hardware temperature. This message is replaced with 
detected CPU temperature, by default, after you run sensors-detect.

Freon does not provide any warnings about the risk of using sensors-detect, 
though, not in the extension button or settings menu, or in its GitHub wiki. I 
only encountered warnings about risk when I looked at the man page before 
running the command.

On the upside, users would only know how to run `sensors-detect --auto` if they 
had already read the man page, likely including the risk warning, and if they 
see the Freon message and try running `sensors-detect` without arguments, then 
it triggers an interactive mode which also prints risk warnings. So I suppose, 
as long as I keep sensors-detect out of the package installation scriptlets, 
users should see a warning before anything risky happens.

I finally thought to just post an issue on the upstream GitHub (I believe this 
is the official repo):

The repo doesn't seem terribly active, though 😞
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