The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

          Package                    (co)maintainers          Status Change 
abakus                         orphan, cicku                  0 weeks ago   
bootparamd                     orphan, lnykryn, odvorace      5 weeks ago   
clucene09                      orphan, group::kde-sig,        1 weeks ago   
                               rdieter, robert                              
eekboard                       orphan, fujiwara, i18n-team,   5 weeks ago   
elfinfo                        orphan, pnemade                5 weeks ago   
flasm                          orphan                         6 weeks ago   
fontik                         orphan, i18n-team, ueno        5 weeks ago   
glyphtracer                    orphan, pnemade                5 weeks ago   
golang-launchpad-go-xdg-v0     orphan, agoode                 4 weeks ago   
greadelf                       orphan, pnemade                5 weeks ago   
ivykis                         orphan, jpo                    2 weeks ago   
jenkins-openid-plugin          orphan, java-sig, mizdebsk,    6 weeks ago   
kimono                         orphan, group::kde-sig,        5 weeks ago   
                               jreznik, rdieter, than                       
libkdcraw                      orphan, group::kde-sig,        5 weeks ago   
                               jreznik, nucleo, rdieter,                    
libkgeomap                     orphan, group::kde-sig         5 weeks ago   
libkipi                        orphan, group::kde-sig,        5 weeks ago   
                               jreznik, nucleo, rdieter,                    
libqinfinity                   orphan, dvratil, jgrulich,     5 weeks ago   
libqzeitgeist                  orphan, rdieter, tdfischer     5 weeks ago   
mkdst                          orphan, enslaver, ryan52,      2 weeks ago   
openshift-restclient-java      orphan, marcusk                6 weeks ago   
python-SimpleCV                orphan, jujens                 5 weeks ago   
python-cement                  orphan, derks                  4 weeks ago   
python-compositor              orphan, fonts-sig, i18n-       5 weeks ago   
                               team, pnemade                                
python-couchdbkit              orphan                         6 weeks ago   
python-ctypesgen               orphan, athmane                6 weeks ago   
python-foolscap                orphan, athmane, dcantrel      6 weeks ago   
python-pytg                    orphan, sagitter               2 weeks ago   
python-robofab                 orphan, fonts-sig, i18n-       5 weeks ago   
                               team, jpokorny, pnemade                      
python-ufo2fdk                 orphan, fonts-sig, i18n-       5 weeks ago   
                               team, pnemade                                
qyoto                          orphan, elsupergomez, group    4 weeks ago   
                               ::kde-sig, jreznik, rdieter,                 
rmanage                        orphan, ashokdas, pnemade      5 weeks ago   
ruby-korundum                  orphan, group::kde-sig,        5 weeks ago   
                               jreznik, rdieter, than                       
ruby-qt                        orphan, group::kde-sig,        5 weeks ago   
                               jreznik, rdieter, than                       
rubygem-github-linguist        orphan                         3 weeks ago   
rubygem-heroku                 orphan, jstribny, marcusk      6 weeks ago   
rubygem-heroku-api             orphan, jstribny, marcusk      6 weeks ago   
smokekde                       orphan, group::kde-sig,        5 weeks ago   
                               jreznik, rdieter, than                       
sniproxy                       orphan, nmav, yo61             5 weeks ago   
telegram-cli                   orphan, sagitter               2 weeks ago   
trac-condfieldsgenshi-plugin   orphan, adamwill               3 weeks ago   
trac-defaultcc-plugin          orphan, adamwill, kevin        3 weeks ago   
vdr-epgfixer                   orphan                         3 weeks ago   
vdr-sudoku                     orphan                         3 weeks ago   
vdr-ttxtsubs                   orphan                         3 weeks ago   
yumdaemon                      orphan, timlau                 1 weeks ago   
zanata-api                     orphan, dchen, pahuang,        3 weeks ago   
zanata-client                  orphan, dchen, pahuang,        3 weeks ago   
zanata-common                  orphan, dchen, pahuang,        3 weeks ago   
zanata-parent                  orphan, dchen, pahuang,        3 weeks ago   

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: eekboard (2), status change: 2017-02-21 (5 weeks ago)
        input-pad (maintained by: fujiwara, i18n-team)
                input-pad- requires eekboard-devel = 
                input-pad-eek- requires 
eekboard-libs = 1.0.8-11.fc26,,,

        ibus-input-pad (maintained by: fujiwara, i18n-team)
                ibus-input-pad- requires

Depending on: ivykis (1), status change: 2017-03-17 (2 weeks ago)
        syslog-ng (maintained by: marcusk, czanik, jpo, mrunge, rayvd)
                syslog-ng-3.9.1-1.fc26.i686 requires ivykis = 0.41-2.fc26,,,,
                syslog-ng-3.9.1-1.fc26.src requires ivykis-devel = 0.41-2.fc26

Depending on: qyoto (1), status change: 2017-02-27 (4 weeks ago)
        themonospot-gui-qt (maintained by: hman-it, mtasaka)
                themonospot-gui-qt-0.1.3-19.fc24.i686 requires mono(qt-dotnet) 
                themonospot-gui-qt-0.1.3-19.fc24.src requires qyoto-devel = 

Affected (co)maintainers
adamwill: trac-condfieldsgenshi-plugin, trac-defaultcc-plugin
agoode: golang-launchpad-go-xdg-v0
ashokdas: rmanage
athmane: python-ctypesgen, python-foolscap
cicku: abakus
czanik: ivykis
dcantrel: python-foolscap
dchen: zanata-common, zanata-client, zanata-api, zanata-parent
derks: python-cement
dvratil: libqinfinity
elsupergomez: qyoto
enslaver: mkdst
fonts-sig: python-robofab, python-compositor, python-ufo2fdk
fujiwara: eekboard
group::kde-sig: clucene09, libkdcraw, ruby-qt, kimono, libkipi, ruby-korundum, 
smokekde, libkgeomap, qyoto
hman-it: qyoto
i18n-team: python-robofab, fontik, python-ufo2fdk, python-compositor, eekboard
java-sig: jenkins-openid-plugin
jgrulich: libqinfinity
jpo: ivykis
jpokorny: python-robofab
jreznik: libkipi, libkdcraw, ruby-qt, kimono, ruby-korundum, smokekde, qyoto
jstribny: rubygem-heroku-api, rubygem-heroku
jujens: python-SimpleCV
kevin: trac-defaultcc-plugin
lnykryn: bootparamd
marcusk: openshift-restclient-java, rubygem-heroku-api, rubygem-heroku, ivykis
mizdebsk: jenkins-openid-plugin
mrunge: ivykis
msimacek: jenkins-openid-plugin
mtasaka: qyoto
nmav: sniproxy
nucleo: libkipi, libkdcraw
odvorace: bootparamd
pahuang: zanata-common, zanata-client, zanata-api, zanata-parent
pnemade: rmanage, elfinfo, glyphtracer, python-robofab, python-compositor, 
python-ufo2fdk, greadelf
rayvd: ivykis
rdieter: libqinfinity, clucene09, libkdcraw, ruby-qt, libqzeitgeist, kimono, 
libkipi, ruby-korundum, smokekde, qyoto
robert: clucene09
ryan52: mkdst
sagitter: telegram-cli, python-pytg
seanf: zanata-common, zanata-client, zanata-api, zanata-parent
tdfischer: libqzeitgeist
than: libkipi, libkdcraw, ruby-qt, kimono, ruby-korundum, smokekde, qyoto
timlau: yumdaemon
ueno: fontik, eekboard
wtogami: mkdst
yo61: sniproxy

Orphans (49): abakus bootparamd clucene09 eekboard elfinfo flasm
    fontik glyphtracer golang-launchpad-go-xdg-v0 greadelf ivykis
    jenkins-openid-plugin kimono libkdcraw libkgeomap libkipi
    libqinfinity libqzeitgeist mkdst openshift-restclient-java
    python-SimpleCV python-cement python-compositor python-couchdbkit
    python-ctypesgen python-foolscap python-pytg python-robofab
    python-ufo2fdk qyoto rmanage ruby-korundum ruby-qt
    rubygem-github-linguist rubygem-heroku rubygem-heroku-api smokekde
    sniproxy telegram-cli trac-condfieldsgenshi-plugin
    trac-defaultcc-plugin vdr-epgfixer vdr-sudoku vdr-ttxtsubs
    yumdaemon zanata-api zanata-client zanata-common zanata-parent

Orphans (dependend on) (3): eekboard ivykis qyoto

Orphans (rawhide) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (0):

Orphans  (rawhide)(not depended on) (46): abakus bootparamd clucene09
    elfinfo flasm fontik glyphtracer golang-launchpad-go-xdg-v0
    greadelf jenkins-openid-plugin kimono libkdcraw libkgeomap libkipi
    libqinfinity libqzeitgeist mkdst openshift-restclient-java
    python-SimpleCV python-cement python-compositor python-couchdbkit
    python-ctypesgen python-foolscap python-pytg python-robofab
    python-ufo2fdk rmanage ruby-korundum ruby-qt
    rubygem-github-linguist rubygem-heroku rubygem-heroku-api smokekde
    sniproxy telegram-cli trac-condfieldsgenshi-plugin
    trac-defaultcc-plugin vdr-epgfixer vdr-sudoku vdr-ttxtsubs
    yumdaemon zanata-api zanata-client zanata-common zanata-parent

Orphans (rawhide) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (8): flasm
    jenkins-openid-plugin openshift-restclient-java python-couchdbkit
    python-ctypesgen python-foolscap rubygem-heroku rubygem-heroku-api

Depending packages (rawhide) (4): ibus-input-pad input-pad syslog-ng

Packages depending on packages orphaned (rawhide) for more than 6
    weeks (0):

The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora
Release Engineering. Please report issues at its pagure instance:
The sources of this script can be found at:
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