On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 01:09:35PM -0700, stan wrote:
> > https://container-solutions.com/dynamic-management-real-ops-disruptor/
> What strikes me about this is that containers sound like static linking
> on steroids. 

That's not entirely unfair. The important thing though is that these
particular "steroids" enable a new way of systems management.

>    This seems like it would create a lot of redundancy on a
> standalone system.  Where do the storage savings come from?  And the

There's some redundancy, but common bits can be shared via layering.

> container environment seems like it is a JIT compiler, to allow the
> application access to computing resources in a standardized way through
> an abstracted interface.  That must have a cost in terms of execution
> speed.

In the case of Docker/OCI containers and similar, the common interface
is "the Linux kernel". There is not a significant speed penalty.

> Can a container created on Fedora with Fedora tools run in any host
> environment that provides a container manager?  For example, will a
> Fedora container run on Windows, and vice versa?

Assuming a new enough kernel, it's generally true that you can run
containers from one distro on another. For example, CoreOS uses a
Fedora-based container for systems management. Windows is a different
story since it's ... not Linux ... but even that may change in the
future with WSL.

> Is the grand vision that everything is in the cloud, even for personal
> computing?  How is data security ensured?  It seems that if things run
> in the cloud, then at some point they are decrypted to get to the CPU,
> and thus vulnerable.

This is an orthogonal issue — you can certainly do all of this in your
own data center if you like. (And I expect a lot of Fedora users will
be using containers in this way.) But, speaking as a former sysadmin
who has Seen Things, a well-managed public cloud enviroment (e.g.
Amazon, GCE, Azure, Digital Ocean, etc.) is in a practical sense much
less of a data security risk than running a local server room at any

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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