On Wed, 2010-07-21 at 10:08 -0400, James Antill wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-07-21 at 11:19 +0200, Hans Ulrich Niedermann wrote:
> > Ugly potential fix for this ugly issue: Patch rpm and yum to compare
> > N-V-R.fc13 exactly like N-V-R.f13, and carry that patch until F-15.
>  That would be ... hard.
>  And ugly doesn't even begin to describe it. Also IMO using only a
> single letter for the dist seems overly space optimizing ... if you just
> want to remove all references to Fedora Core, propose it changes to
> "fed14" or even just rename what the c stands for (like the GCC rename).

+1 on not just hard but REALLY ugly.

Pretty confident that the rpm devs would reject such a patch, too.

I know the yum devs will :)


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