On Tue, Aug 08, 2017 at 01:39:45PM -0400, Ralph Bean wrote:
> This is a writeup on a problem we’re facing with modularity, and some ideas on
> how to resolve it.
> # The "Problem"
> Imagine I have an **httpd module**.  To simplify things, let’s say that this
> module has only one stream: **2.4**. Today, in the modulemd for this module, I
> declare build and runtime dependencies like this:
>     dependencies:
>         buildrequires:
>             platform: f26
>         requires:
>             platform: f26
> This works.
> Now, imagine that Fedora 27 comes along. I want the httpd module to be
> installable on f27, so I update those streams to point to f27.  But now I 
> can’t
> ship updates to f26 anymore!  Uh oh.
> ## Just use more streams?
> We could just ask packagers to create more streams to deal with this.  httpd
> wouldn’t have a 2.4 stream.  It would need to have a f26-2.4 stream and a
> f27-2.4 stream.
> But, this gets us exactly back into the place we were **before** we had
> arbitrary branching!  You need to have as many branches for *every component*
> as you have releases of the distro (or, as you have "products").  Noooo!
> ## Solution: "Input" Modulemd Syntax Changes
> We’re going to extend the modulemd syntax to allow specifying multiple
> dependencies in an "input" modulemd (the one that packagers modify).  When
> submitted to the build system, the module-build-service (MBS) will *expand*
> these values under the hood, and submit **multiple** module builds to
> itself based on the expansion.
> Here are some examples of modulemd files (maintained by humans) that might be
> submitted to the MBS.
> Build on **all** active streams of the platform module.
>     dependencies:
>         buildrequires:
>             platform: []
> Build on **only** the f27 and f26 platform streams.
>     dependencies:
>         buildrequires:
>             platform: [ f27, f26 ]
> Build on all active streams of platform **except** for the f26 stream.
>     dependencies:
>         buildrequires:
>             platform: [ -f26 ]

Maybe it should be explicitly mentioned that combining the two
variants above will be forbidden.

> The following syntax, which builds on **only** the f26 stream, will still be 
> supported:
>     dependencies:
>         buildrequires:
>             platform: f26

And this is not only for backwards compatibility -- it's also
what the expanded variant will look like.

> Take the following example (described above):
>     dependencies:
>         buildrequires:
>             platform: [ f27, f26 ]
> Submitting this modulemd to the MBS would in turn generate **two** module
> builds: one of our httpd module against the f27 stream and another against the
> f26 stream.  Each module build would be associated with its own unique
> "flattened" *output* modulemd file that specifies exactly which platform 
> stream
> it was built against.
> # New Problems
> Having **multiple** module builds for a single dist-git commit of a modulemd
> file poses new implementation problems.
> ## NSV uniqueness
> Today, we uniquely identify a module build in *a variety of systems* with
> **<name>-<stream>-<version>** (NSV) where version is derived from the dist-git
> commit timestamp.  Here we’ll have an httpd-2.4 module built on f26 and an
> http-2.4 module built on f27: two different module builds with the same name,
> stream, and version.  How can we tell them apart?
> We will introduce a new value called the **context** of a built module and
> include it in the modulemd metadata that gets carried with the built module.
> * For user facing cases (dnf installation) it will generally be hidden.  The
>   old NSV value will still appear.  If a user ever needs to surface the value,
>   client tooling can find it in the modulemd metadata.  The additional
>   identifier will give users access to explicit pointers to the content that 
> is
>   installed:
>     * For cloning a machine.
>     * For comparing two installed hosts.
>     * For reporting bugs.
> * Some build and compose time systems will have to be modified to use the
>   context as part of a new unique identifier.  **NSVC** will be the
>   **<name>-<stream>-<version>-<context>**.  The systems in question are PDC,
>   koji/brew, pungi, and bodhi.

Perhaps a side note:

The exact way of encoding all the module identifiers into a
string is still being discussed.  I would very much prefer if
we used the same format in all systems that have to deal with
modules -- not only the infrastructure services listed above
but dnf, for instance, as well.

Some proposals and comments:

> The context value will be a **hash**, generating as the first step in the 
> build
> process (but after expansion).  Consider what metadata needs to be hashed:  we
> think that hashing the whole modulemd is problematic, because the modulemd can
> and will be modified after build time.
> Therefore, the *context_hash* value will need to be derived from only the 
> stuff
> that uniquely identifies the build and runtime context of the module -- name,
> stream, version and crucially, its dependencies
> ## Buildtime/Runtime Dep Correlation
> Another problem.  We now have input modulemd files for a single stream that 
> can
> expand buildtime dependencies to ‘f27’ and ‘f26’, but what about the
> runtime dependencies?
> Consider the following yaml file:
>  dependencies:
>     buildrequires:
>         platform: [f28, f27, f26]
>     requires:
>         platform: [f28, f27, f26]
> With our thinking caps on, this should obviously generate three module builds
> (one that buildrequires f28 and run requires f28, a second that buildrequires
> f27 and run requires f27, and a third for f26).  The naive cross-product of 
> all
> streams is not valuable; the MBS needs some logic to **correlate** the build
> time requirements with the run-time requirements.  That logic will contain
> assumptions about how this will be used, and it needs to be well-defined.
> Let’s try to define that.  Consider a more complicated yaml file that depends
> on both multiple streams of platform and on multiple hypothetical streams of a
> "shared-userspace" module:
>  dependencies:
>     buildrequires:
>         platform: [f28, f27, f26]
>         shared-userspace: [fancy, nonfancy]
>     requires:
>         platform: [f28, f27, f26]
>         shared-userspace: [fancy, nonfancy]

Yes, all this repetition looks ugly.  Fortunately, YAML lets
you reference and include previously defined blocks, so in
practice we could replace the above with:

    buildrequires: &deps
      platform: [f28, f27, f26]
      shared-userspace: [fancy, nonfancy]
    requires: *deps

Another point that came up later -- instead of shared-userspace,
imagine different streams of your favorite dynamic language.
That might make it the reasons for this more obvious.

> Here are some rules the MBS should obey:
> * If a build-time dep contains an expansion, that dep **does not** have to 
> also
>   appear as a run-time dep.
> * If a build-time dep contains an expansion, and if that dep *also appears* as
>   a runtime dep, the runtime expansion **must** match the buildtime expansion
>   exactly.
> Now that the streams from build-time and runtime *can be mapped one-to-one*,
> the cross-product of the deps is taken to produce a set of modules builds.  In
> our example here, we get:
> 1. One build with platform f28 and shared-userspace fancy.
> 2. One build with platform f27 and shared-userspace fancy.
> 3. One build with platform f26 and shared-userspace fancy.
> 4. One build with platform f28 and shared-userspace nonfancy.
> 5. One build with platform f27 and shared-userspace nonfancy.
> 6. One build with platform f26 and shared-userspace nonfancy.
> We like this.
> --
> But, a new** corner case** emerges!  What if the *nonfancy* branch of
> shared-userspace is only compatible with f27 and f28, but not with f26?
> Build #6 will always fail - or, if it doesn’t fail it will be unusable.
> We thought through a number of ways that corner cases like these could be
> handled automatically, and are still working through them.  At the moment, we
> are *leaning towards* suggesting that a failing corner **requires** a new
> stream of the module in question to handle the exclusion.  I.e., no convenient
> syntax to say "all combinations except for this one".
> In this case, you would have two streams of the httpd-2.4 module:
> httpd-2.4 and httpd-2.4_f26.  The first modulemd file in the
> 2.4 stream would be nice, like this:
>  dependencies:
>     buildrequires:
>         platform: [f28, f27]
>         shared-userspace: [fancy, nonfancy]
>     requires:
>         platform: [f28, f27]
>         shared-userspace: [fancy, nonfancy]
> The second in the 2.4_f26 stream would exist only to support the desired
> corner case:
>  dependencies:
>     buildrequires:
>         platform: [f26]
>         shared-userspace: [fancy]
>     requires:
>         platform: [f26]
>         shared-userspace: [fancy]
> --
> We’re still working through more details, especially on this last part (and 
> how
> it may affect upgrades), but figured its best to share now.  Any help
> appreciated!
> Yours-
> -Ralph

Thanks for posting this!


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