On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 11:36 AM, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeit...@redhat.com> wrote:
> I've built glusterfs previously on F27 with these same Build-Requires. Same
> package & same .spec build on F28 and F26.
> While trying to build a new version for the last 24 hours I keep hitting
> this:
> ...
> DEBUG util.py:439:  No matching package to install: 'libibverbs-devel'
> DEBUG util.py:439:  No matching package to install: 'librdmacm-devel >=
> 1.0.15'

For some reason the owner in f27 tag was switched to releng and then
has been blocked:

Sat Aug 19 03:43:40 2017 package list entry for librdmacm in
module-package-list updated by pkgdb
    owner.name: dledford -> releng
Sat Aug 19 06:20:14 2017 librdmacm-1.1.0-4.fc26 untagged from f27 by releng
Sat Aug 19 06:20:14 2017 librdmacm-1.1.0-6.fc27 untagged from f27 by releng
Sat Aug 19 06:20:31 2017 package list entry for librdmacm in f27
updated by releng
    blocked: False -> True

Sat Aug 19 06:20:17 2017 libibverbs-1.2.1-4.fc26 untagged from f27 by releng
Sat Aug 19 06:20:17 2017 libibverbs-1.2.1-6.fc27 untagged from f27 by releng
Sat Aug 19 06:20:31 2017 package list entry for libibverbs in f27
updated by releng
    blocked: False -> True

I'm not sure why that is because it wasn't blocked for f28 because
both of those packages look to be replaced by rdma-core looking at one
of the commit logs


It looks like the maintainer or the person that retired those packages
hasn't added the proper retires/provides into the rdma-core* packages
to ensure the upgrade path is smooth.

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