On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 10:51 PM, R P Herrold <herr...@owlriver.com> wrote:

> I don't see a urw-base35-fonts SRPM in my RawHide ... has it
> been packaged?
​Yes, it's in the Rawhide already:

My mirror only fires weekly, but it seens ... hasty to retire
> a package before its successor has 'aged' a bit to let
> possible bugs appear.  In checking the CTAN site, it seems
> pretty likely that font metrics will have changed and so the
> appearance of documents will be affecte
> ​d
​I understand your concerns, but to clarify - technically, the
urw-base35-fonts is a successor to successor of ghostscript-fonts:

  ghostscript-fonts -> urw-fonts -> urw-base35-fonts
​I took ownership of urw-fonts sometime in the last year, and I had been
working with upstream (Artifex company) to fixing some bugs in the latest
release of these fonts [a.k.a. (URW)++ fonts], as well as updating and
creating fontconfig and AppStream files (respectively).

I really can't tell why the ghostscript-fonts were not killed before, since
we had the urw-fonts already. You would have to ask previous maintainers
about this.​


To clarify on what others wrote:

 * Nicolas is right, the fonts needed a proper cleanup, and that's why we
went through this. We were already using an outdated fonts in Fedora 25
(and newer) for Ghostscript and other applications depending on it (like
ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick, Evince, ...), and I received some bug reports
for it that forced me to "hack" the Ghostscript configuration to temporary
fix this situation -- but not completely.

   Since I hope to do a rebase of Ghostscript-9.22 in F27 (to fix quite few
low-level CVEs and some annoying issues, but no API/ABI changes according
to upstream, so it should be "safe"), I needed the urw-base35-fonts to be
ready first.

   Ghostscript bundles a lot of stuff, but we're "de-bundling" it in
Fedora. However the 'urw-fonts' were already too old now/outdated in F25.
In past, any part needed for Ghostscript's "de-bundled" build often
resulted in unnecessary bug-reports for upstream, if it was outdated. And
it was IMHO mainly because of that why upstream started... to not like use
very much. (In last ~1 year I'm working more closely with upstream to
improve the relationship again, and to fix all the mess around Ghostscript.)

​ * Right now, we have a problem that some applications (ImageMagick at
least, I expect others as well) depend on Type1 fonts, not just
Ghostscript, which is not allowing us to completely move to OTF font
format. But as Nicolas said, the LibreOffice in F26 no longer supports
Type1 fonts.

  ->> I expect for us to ship both OTF and Type1 together for now (as a
transition period), until we can work with upstreams & package maintainers
to make complete shift to OTF.

 * Regarding the font family names and subpackages -- it's another mess.
Not just in Fedora (the FPG for fonts are really outdated), but generally
everywhere. Currently I'm seeing that every party (group) does something
different, and IMHO we should first update the FPG, and to do a general
fonts cleanup in Fedora. (For now I will keep the subpackages, until we
decide on how to approach this on wide level across Fedora.)

 * I wouldn't say the upstream is dead, they have just moved fast-forward,
and the fonts in ghostscript-fonts are no longer supported by them.
However, orphaning the package does not make much sense to me. We need the
maintainer/upstream of "hylafax+" to move to 'urw-base35-fonts', which are
supposed to receive updates in the future if needed. Once they have moved,
then we can kill the ghostscript-fonts.

 ->> For now the maintainer of 'hylafax+' should try to update the paths
(if needed) in 'hylafax+' specfile, and try to build it against
'urw-base35-fonts'. If it succeeds, we can try to let it live in Rawhide
for some time. If it does not succeed, we should inform its upstream so
they can update their software.

2 Nico: I understand that 'hylafax+' is an extremely stable package, but
that shouldn't block us from moving forward in fixing other stuff. Is my
suggestion above OK for you as a solution for now? :)

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