Lennart Poettering (mzerq...@0pointer.de) said: 
> > * if we continue to require sysVinit scripts in the guidlines, this is true.
> > * If we don't, then sysadmins that have to install packages without sysvinit
> >   scripts will have to deal with writing their own init scripts.
> My take on this is that sysvinit scripts should be a requirement, and
> systemd unit files an optional addition. Given that the guidelines have
> not been updated in any way this is basically what the guideliness
> currently say.

I would say until we get a coherent story and guidelines on the packaging,
activation, etc. of systemd unit files in a way that's unlikely to change
long-term, that systemd unit files should not be encouraged. I don't want to
have to train packagers each release.

That being said, from reading the rest of this thread, it looks like we're
making progress on that front.

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