On 11/29/2017 02:44 PM, Artur Iwicki wrote:
> I have some notes regarding the Fedora wiki:
> 1) A few days ago, the layout changed. Now, I can't find the "search" link. I 
> imagine that's a rather important feature.

Yeah, it should be back soon. It was lost in the new theme re-write, but
it's corrected in the next theme release out soon.

That said, the search on the wiki has always been... not great, so many
people just use google and site:fedoraproject.org.
> 2) The "What Happened to PkgDB" page says that, to unretire a package, you 
> should follow a Pague ticket... Which, while it explains the process, 
> requires some time to understand it properly. Could we rewrite it so the user 
> can get all the info from the wiki page?

Yeah, that could use work. will poke at it.

> Sorry if this is the wrong mailing list and I should post this elsewhere.

Nope, this is just fine. :)

You could also file a infrastructure ticket if you like. (In the future)


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