----- Mail original -----
De: "Jakub Cajka" 

Hi Jakub

> I think that it would be best if Nicolas could fold his proposal in to the 
> original draft as
> optional part for simple library/binary packages.

Frankly, that's a lot of work and churn, I don't want the new parts to be 
refused because of something in the old parts, and I certainly do not want to 
spend weeks replacing bits only to put them back in and so on while people made 
up their mind on the things they want replaced or not. The new parts are pretty 
much autonomous and complete, they are sufficient to create working Fedora Go 
packages, they are ready for FPC review.

If someone wants to extract the ready non discussion parts of the old page and 
get them approved I can work with him to merge both elements

I didn't want to write about the old page, but since you put it on the table.

It is full of digressions and elements of no evident applied value while 
packaging Go software. It's not an operational "how to do stuff" document it's 
a "here are various things you may like to know about Go that may or may not 
help you create Fedora Go packages, if they do not help you forget about it and 
run gofed". There are too many WIP non operational bits in the old pages to 
allow merging while in an approval process. And I'm sure any attempt to strip 
the WIP bits from my side will be met with energetic protests.

People, if you want that page to be ever approved by FPC make it more focused 
and accurate. Remove anything that does not explain to a Fedora Go packager how 
to write a Fedora Go spec file and what to ask upstream Go projects in a Fedora 
packager role. And make sure what remains is succinct, easy to read, and 
applicable without undocumented holes or gofed magic.

I know that's a lot of non-fun work. I did this work on the new page. I don't 
particularly *like* writing documentation. For every line I put in the new 
page, I had to ask myself "is the value to the Fedora packager sufficient to 
justify the time spend writing the text, formatting it, linking in the right 
place, proofing the result". I didn't put in stuff I could not justify cleaning 
up myself. If it was too much work to document it was either of insufficient 
value or better automated rather than explained in a manual process.

Any part of the text that can not be finished or serves another role has no 
place in a guideline submitted to FPC. It should be nuked or moved to a 
separate wiki page. All the half-finished and non operational stuff in there is 
the reason the draft has been stuck in pre-approval stage for four years. Just 
put yourself in FPC's place, its mission is to confirm a guideline is ready to 
be used by the average Fedora packager, not to produce it from half-finished 
half-related messy notes of the domain experts.

> As his proposal doesn't cover at least two major use cases, i.e. separate 
> packaging of tests(they
> have no place in devel package as they artificially inflate build root size)

At this point of time my mind is pretty much set. I won't do separate packaging 
of tests because:
1. that raises complex dependency handling questions 
2. the average Go project test code is full of crufty junk
3. the average Go test depends on assets not tracked within Go
4. Go is not designed to separate elements shipped in the same directory
5. no one could answer when I asked the *three* Fedora lists what they were 
using the existing test packages for
6. from what I've seen many of the existing test packages simply can not work 
because they fail to include elements they need
7. even core Go people refuse to touch the subject with a 10 foot pole. Sam 
Boyer tried to demo a very small part of what would be necessary this week end 
at FOSDEM and this part of his demo *failed*. I don't have the level of Go 
understanding Sam Boyer Has.

I am ready to work with people who want to make separate test packages and I 
tried very hard to make them possible in the future but I won't spend time 
trying to ship half-baked stuff that does not work and that no one has a need 

The proposed patterns strip test code from devel packages so build root sizes 
are safe (except for the original package build root, since I *do* execute unit 
tests in check, and they pull their deps in the build root).

You want to test one of my packages, fine, just rebuild it. That will run unit 
tests *and* build the project binaries (which are also a form of code testing, 
and a very thorough one at that).

> and shipping pre-built shared libraries.

The pre-build shared libraries the old guidelines refuse to build or document? 
Why exactly are you stating it's a major use case, Fedora is not doing it today.

"By default, the standard golang compiler produces static libraries. There is 
little value in shipping these prebuilt, especially since these libraries are 
very specifically tied to the exact minor release of the golang compiler."

"Presently the shared object libraries produced by GCC-Go are not usable"


Nicolas Mailhot
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