On 18 February 2018 at 00:46, Tomasz Kłoczko <kloczko.tom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 16 February 2018 at 15:50, Stephen John Smoogen <smo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [..]
>> Even before EPEL-5 was EOL, very little of Fedora would compile out of
>> the box and required massive amounts of %if and other hacks to even
>> try to compile from a rawhide spec file.
>> If someone wanted to keep compiling for EL-5 they should branch the
>> code themselves and maintain it as such versus trying to keep the
>> cruft in the main tree. I believe that is what arbitrary branching is
>> for.
> I think that you are not fully aware what you've just done.

Actually I am fully aware. I have been agreeing with parts of what you
have written but you keep thinking I am attacking you because I don't
agree with everything you have written. Then you keep interpreting
everything I say as some sort of agenda.

The part that you are not getting though is that even if I agree with
you on parts makes it that it will happen any time soon. Fedora is not
a centrally ruled organization. It is a collection of people doing
what they want and bringing what they want to the OS. They will follow
guidelines and rules to a point and only after they have each
convinced themselves that the rule/guideline makes sense to them. Any
time someone tries to make people do things even if it is in their
best interest, it causes a majority of members to get their backs up,
fight, and ignore the solution.

That is the part I have disagreed with you on. The idea that somehow
you can enforce a large change like this even if you did all the
changes yourself. People would revert them and route around them in
ways that may make the original problem worse. If you want to get
something done, you have to build group consensus and you have to show
what you want multiple times even if you think the 49th time should
have been enough. And show is not usually in words. It is in having
specs and tools which help people see why it fixes a problem. And
finally you have to realize that there will always be a thousand
corner cases which will trump a central rule for some reason and need
case by case exceptions.

This is all I am going to be saying on this.

Stephen J Smoogen.
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