On Fri, 30 Jul 2010 16:28:11 +0200
Sven Lankes <s...@lank.es> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 03:28:42PM +0200, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> >> I think we should add some policy to address those unmaintained
> >> packages,
> > There is the non-responsive maintainer policy already.
> That policy isn't the easiest one to follow though. I understand that
> taking someones packages away should never be easy but maybe we could
> develop some metrics for the awolness of a maintainer and use that to
> possibly speed up the process.

I would love a better policy. It's hard to balance tho... between
someone who is just busy and someone who is really missing. ;( 

I think one thing that would help is perhaps to form a group that looks
for these people (possibly using what you are talking about below),
tries to contact them and if that fails marks them as missing. 
> I know that seth worked on something similar based on commit
> frequency. What I could think of is:
>  * Look at the FAS activity 
>    If a maintainer has multiple request for commit rights to his 
>    package which have not been answered in a long time that would 
>    increase his awolness counter.
>    (This would mean that we need to encourage people to actually deny
>    requests that they don't want to approve - currently it seems to be
>    accepted that denying a request is rude and the more polite way to
>    not approve a commit request is to just ignore it).

I'm not sure just not acting on a request there is a sign of awol. 
They could just be waiting for the person to prove themselves, or some
other reason. But if there is no pkgdb activity at all, I think thats
an indicator perhaps. 

>  * Check if he actually has a current certificate to interface with
> koji

Good idea. 

>  * Look at koji activity


>    If a maintainer hasn't done any build in koji for three months or
>    more that would increase his awolness counter.

yeah, or any git commits, etc. 

> The awolness-counter would only be looked at when someone thinks about
> starting the awol procedure and it could be used to speed up the
> process

Should we wait until someone starts the process? 
Wouldn't it be better to look at all the people over a X value here and
at least contact them. Are you alive and still willing to be a
maintainer? If you don't have time perhaps hand off your packages?

> - maybe get an non-responsive Maintainer procedure done in one week
> instead of four or five.

Yeah, added with all the info above and other stuff we can gather. 
People do go away for weeks at a time and are just on vacation, etc. 

> I know that there is the "Fast Track procedure" but that is for when
> "it may be needed to reassign a package quickly". When I was bit by
> gdal being in FTBFS for too long (and with it merkaartor which I
> maintain) I commented on the bugs and waited a while. When that
> didn't do anything I email Christian and also started work on a fixed
> package which rsc then built for rawhide using his provenpackager
> powers.

That is a downside to provenpackagers. 
"Hey would you fix this thing for me" "ok". 
Then we don't know that anyone is maintaining it. 

> I could have stopped there (and I nearly had done that) without
> starting the policy procedure - just because the process requires the
> one interested in getting things fix to do five or six things each a
> week apart. And looking at the number of "awaitaing review"
> maintainers there have been a few people before me who wanted to help
> get things fixed ...

Yeah, but then we don't really have a maintainer answering bug reports,

> > It can't be repeated often enough: We need maintainers for each and
> > every package in the collection. To have packages and bug reports
> > assigned to an inactive person A with provenpackager B doing random
> > upgrades from time to time is a broken system. B ought to become
> > the maintainer instead. And C and D and E in the community also
> > ought to consider joining the package's team of maintainers, too.
> I agree. But we also need to make it easier for people to do so - if
> you look at https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/gdal
> (which is one of rezsos packages), it has 6 users with "Awaiting
> Review" on commit rights. It's not that people don't want to help out
> but we're making it too hard for them to do so.

Yep. I would love a more comprehensive policy being proposed to fesco.
Write one up? ;) 


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