This should go without saying, but in Fedora, the following things
should be kept in mind:

1) Copyright infringement is not permitted. This includes code, fonts,
docs, or content like art/sprites taken from other works, either without
permission or under non-free licenses.

2) Trademark infringement is not permitted. This includes using marks in
contexts outside of fair use cases, such as, for example, including the
name "Donatello" and artwork of him as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, as
a character in a fighting game, or a character called "Maryo", who is a
plumber in a side scrolling adventure.

Packagers, _YOU_ are responsible for ensuring that the packages and
content you submit to Fedora does not contain material that falls into
these use cases. If you are unsure about this at all, please either
email or block the Review Request against FE-Legal.

Reviewers, _YOU_ are ALSO responsible for checking packages for clear
cases of legal concern. If you are unsure about this at all, please
either email or block the Review Request against

Most of you are very good about this, and I appreciate it. However,
lately, at least one package cleared review and landed in Fedora which
was obviously infringing upon both copyrights and trademarks (in
egregious ways), so I felt it useful to remind everyone of this.


(your friendly neighborhood Fedora Legal enforcer)
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