James Hogarth wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 00:59 Todd Zullinger, <t...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> Red Hat announced today that Ansible was being deprecated
>> from the extras channel.  Their advice is that those who
>> have "previously installed Ansible and its dependencies from
>> the Extras channel are advised to enable and update from the
>> Ansible Engine channel, or uninstall the packages as future
>> errata will not be provided from the Extras channel."
>> https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:1075
>> Given that, I believe it is reasonable to see ansible return
>> to EPEL.  This was discussed in previous EPEL meetings a
>> bit, so I'm sure it was known to at least some of the folks
>> involved.
> Cheers for the info.
> It wasn't mentioned on the devel list, I didn't see it in the 7.5 release
> notes and it was still in extras when I checked a short while ago.
> In that case yes I agree it makes total sense to return to epel7
> I wonder why they dropped it when the whole point of them bringing it in to
> begin with was for Satellite and Tower to have it in the standard RHEL
> repos.
> Seems so pointless to have only had one release there!

Indeed, it was a bit strange.  Perhaps someone with more
insight into the rationale can comment.  I have no
particular knowledge of things, but maybe keeping a fast
moving project like ansible in even the RHEL extras channel
was a problem.

Maybe the plan with the move to the "Ansible Engine" channel
is to work closer with subscribers on migrating from version
to version.  And non-subscribers can just follow it in EPEL.

I'd be interested in hearing more about the change, though I
suspect those who know more either aren't on these lists or
can't say more than Red Hat's advisory has already.

I'm not fat. I am a nutritional overachiever.

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