On Wed, 04 Aug 2010 22:03:14 +0200
Till Maas <opensou...@till.name> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 04, 2010 at 09:42:01AM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > I suspect it might short-circuit the 'ahhh, but what about...'
> > 'oooh, but then I can...' nature of the conversation if you just
> > put together a proof-of-concept attack and document it somewhere. I
> > suspect the git maintainers might be interested at that point as
> > well. :)
> The attack is quite trivial:
> 1) clone the git pkg Fedora repos
> 2) commit some nasty change
> 3) publish the repo on some server
> 4) if the victim wants to fetch from the Fedora pkg repo, use the MITM
> attack to make him fetch from the server set up in step 3. Steps 1-3
> can obviously be done on-demand.
> If this is e.g. done on a conference / FUDCon / Fedora Action Day, the
> attack can easily targeted to make the change in step 2 be expected to
> be fast forward. E.g. if packages simply need to be bumped for a
> rebuild, a upload of a bad tarball and modification of the sources
> file might be unnoticed.

Just to clarify, as this is a long thread: 

This only works if people are using git:// urls, not the default for
fedora ssh: ones, right? (provided you have connected before to
pkgs.fedoraproject.org and have the known_hosts entry?)


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