Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Well, this has nothing to do with that. We are currently only pushing
> to stable those updates that are needed to fix Alpha release blockers
> in F14. So, it wouldn't matter here.

It will matter after the Alpha release when urgent dependency fixes will be 
withheld for 1 week for no reason. (Right now there's a reason they're being 
withheld, even though I think this really needs to be handled in a better 
way (a subbranch for the Alpha, maybe? Or even just a f14-alpha tag in Koji, 
while letting dist-f14 move on?).)

> Barring that tho, if they are broken now in f14, it should be very easy
> to verify that the update fixes the broken deps and is installable no?

Except that the policy needs THREE people to verify that in most cases 
(given that that's what Bodhi defaults the update threshold to), or two if 
one is a provenpackager (if that feature has even been implemented, it is in 
the spec at least, and only because I fought hard to get at least that into 
the spec, all my really significant amendments have been shot down).

>> This draconian crap must be disabled at least for unreleased
>> branches. It's really keeping us from doing our work.
>> A package cannot be any worse than a package that doesn't install at
>> all!
> Sure it can. It can eat data, it can remove other packages. it can
> break more important ones, it could be broken in different and more
> subtle way, etc.

All obscure corner cases that have never actually happened (and are 
realistically just not going to happen with a straight rebuild for 
dependencies). On the other hand, packages which don't install and cause 
errors, also blocking updates for the affected people, do happen, very 
often, and this stupid policy now delays the fixes for them, also preventing 
some people from installing critical security updates.

> We all want a better Fedora.

Unfortunately, our conceptions of "better" are VERY different, to the point 
that I've come to doubt whether you really want a better Fedora. IMHO you 
just want a DIFFERENT one, one which doesn't fill its niche anymore and is 
instead yet another conservative distribution, of which there are way too 
many already. And stuff like broken dependencies just hurts everyone, even 
the conservative faction.

        Kevin Kofler

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