On Fri, 2010-08-13 at 03:33 +0200, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Chris Adams wrote:
> > Why are you here?  All you do is shout about how everything that is done
> > is done wrong, and how you wanted to do it different but were out-voted.
> > Why don't you go start your own distribution?  If you are right, then
> > you should have no trouble getting a large group of developers,
> > producing an awesome OS, and then you can prove FESCo wrong.
> Are you providing the infrastructure?
> A distribution needs a lot of infrastructure, not just manpower. (And 
> getting existing contributors to move to a new distribution is also not 
> going to happen overnight, even if it's clearly better. [...])

Let's try that again.  Fedora has no obligation to you; nothing entitles
you (or anyone for that matter) to push updates or even to post to this
list.  It is the prerogative of the board or others acting on their
behalf to set the direction of the project and block you from
participating in ways they believe are harmful.  Period.

Chris was suggesting that you might consider starting your own project
(which is always one's ultimate remedy in the F/OSS world), and that may
be difficult, but none of that changes the foregoing.


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