On 25/01/19 15:57 +0000, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
With enormous thanks to Denis Arnaud for doing the actual boost.spec
rebase, we're ready to update Boost in rawhide, for this change:
As always, this changes the soname of every libboost_*.so library, so
we'll be rebuilding all the packages that link to Boost libs. These
rebuilds will happen on the f30-boost side tag, and once they're all
done everything will move to the main f30 target all at once.
I'm nearly done with the Boost rebuilds.
Several packages have been patched so they link to the new names for
the Boost.Python libs. -lboost_python becomes -lboost_python27 and
-lboost_python3 becomes -lboost_python37. I'm still fixing some
occurrences of that.
Several packages build OK on all targets except armv7hl, where they
get unit test failures. Those should get fixed by the new gcc landing
in the buildroot soon (and I probably won't rebuild them, but will let
the mass rebuild handle them).
The following packages use Boost.Signals which is been REMOVED from
Boost. The packages must be updated to use Boost.Signals2 (or bundle
an old Boost).
Maintainers by package:
ekiga mcrha pbrobinson
freecad hobbes1069 jkastner zultron
gazebo rmattes
pingus limb
spring gilboa rmattes
swift jkaluza
Packages by maintainer:
gilboa spring
hobbes1069 freecad
jkaluza swift
jkastner freecad
limb pingus
mcrha ekiga
pbrobinson ekiga
rmattes gazebo spring
zultron freecad
The following packages fail to build because of -Werror. Your package
is bad and you should feel bad:
Maintainers by package:
colobot suve
gnucash notting
mstflint dledford honli jirka jstanley michich
qpid-cpp irina nsantos
Packages by maintainer:
dledford mstflint
honli mstflint
irina qpid-cpp
jirka mstflint
jstanley mstflint
michich mstflint
notting gnucash
nsantos qpid-cpp
suve colobot
The following packages fail to build because boost::tribool is no
longer impicitly convertible to bool (and so the conversion must be
done explicitly with a cast). I'll try to fix these if I have time:
Maintainers by package:
dyninst fche jistone lberk orion scox wcohen
fts andreamanzi simonm
mkvtoolnix itamarjp kwizart mso rathann
openscad churchyard
wesnoth bruno limb pwalter
Packages by maintainer:
andreamanzi fts
bruno wesnoth
churchyard openscad
fche dyninst
itamarjp mkvtoolnix
jistone dyninst
kwizart mkvtoolnix
lberk dyninst
limb wesnoth
mso mkvtoolnix
orion dyninst
pwalter wesnoth
rathann mkvtoolnix
scox dyninst
simonm fts
wcohen dyninst
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