On Fri, 2010-08-13 at 20:14 +0200, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Martin Sourada wrote:
> > I wonder why I get the impression that the only ones who strongly oppose
> > this change are you folks from KDE SIG... Are you doing things
> > differently from anyone else in fedora - the rest of us are either more
> > or less neutral or positive towards this new change?
> If we really are the only ones true to Fedora's original principles, who 
> don't want us to become yet another redundant conservative distribution 
> (like all those bazillion others out there), that's really sad. :-(
>         Kevin Kofler
>         (who wants the Fedora he learned to love back!)

It is not the fedora you think it is. You can go form your own distro.
Please leave us to work on ours in peace and relative quiet.

I hear Bero could use some help with arklinux.



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