On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 07:21:50PM +0200, Martin Sourada wrote:

> I wonder why I get the impression that the only ones who strongly
> oppose this change are you folks from KDE SIG... Are you doing things
> differently from anyone else in fedora - the rest of us are either
> more or less neutral or positive towards this new change?

I don't think that this about the KDE SIG at all.

Not everyone is as passionate (or stubborn) as Kevin.

Most fedorians I talk to are watching all the discussions to see if
the fedora that is currently being formed with all the changes that
are happening is still a distribution that they're comfortable
contributing to. And as the only way to get heard is to fuel a
flamewar on fedora-devel they just stay silent.

> [...] I'm for more testing and more conservative update policy in
> general in stable branches.

I don't oppose the ongoing changes in general but still - when I read
through fesco meeting logs I am often disappointed by the amount of
politics going on and more than once I wished that FESCO as a whole
would grow a pair.

I for one have decided that I'm going to stop contributing if the
'Stable Update Vision' is going to be implemented as currently
discussed. If the powers that be are going to stop maintainers from
issuing updates that are not security or bugfix updates then fedora will
have turned into a distro that I'm not interested in.

sven === jabber/xmpp: s...@lankes.net
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