Hi all,
I've written some scripts to help with the signature verification aspect of 
this change. I've attempted to have them seamlessly handle different 
environments, but please let me know if you observe any misbehaviour. I'd 
particularly like to get input on the second script. The first can setup a 
system for signature verification only if the relevant modules are made 
available separately. Also, compare the steps the script takes with the wiki 
page. The script assumes that the modules are loaded by default (they are once 
they're included in the build) too. Check steps 2 and 3 in the "verify" portion 
of the How To Test section for what is missing (So, this is definitely useful 
after F31's release, but can be convenient now too).



## This, for now, is a holistic script. It assumes that we've either configured 
signature verification, or not.
## This will need to be changed. Individual scripts should check for their 
files, and call on a central script (or
## function therein) to configure things otherwise.

if [[ $(id -u) != 0 ]]; then
    echo "You must run this script as root"
    exit 1

sata_or_nvme=$(if [[ $(mount | grep "/boot/efi" | cut -d " " -f 1) =~ 
(/dev/nvme*|/dev/mmcblk*) ]]; then echo 3; else echo 2; fi)
drive_num=$(lsblk | grep /boot/efi | cut -d " " -f 1 | cut -c 3- | rev | cut -c 
$sata_or_nvme- | rev)
part_type=$(fdisk /dev/$drive_num -l | grep "Disklabel type" | cut -d " " -f 3)
ESP_partnum=$(lsblk | grep /boot/efi | cut -c 6)
#export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

function firstrun {
    touch /var/tmp/grub_verify-pgp_pass
    chmod 600 /var/tmp/grub_verify-pgp_pass
    gpg --gen-random --armor 0 24 > /var/tmp/grub_verify-pgp_pass
    gpg --pinentry-mode loopback --batch --quick-generate-key --passphrase-file 
/var/tmp/grub_verify-pgp_pass "Grub_verify testing key" rsa sign never
    gpg --export "Grub_verify testing key" > /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/pubkey
    echo "
    trust (hd0,$part_type$ESP_partnum)/efi/fedora/pubkey --skip-sig
    set check_signatures=enforce" >> /etc/grub.d/40_custom
    grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg

function resign {
    for x in $(find /boot -name "*.cfg.sig" -or -name "*.lst.sig" -or -name 
"*.mod.sig" -or -name "vmlinuz*.sig" -or -name "initramfs*.sig" -or -name 
"grubenv.sig"); do rm -f "$x"; done
    for x in $(find /boot -name "*.cfg" -or -name "*.lst" -or -name "*.mod" -or 
-name "vmlinuz*" -or -name "initramfs*" -or -name "grubenv"); do gpg --batch 
--detach-sign -u "Grub_verify testing key" --pinentry-mode loopback 
--passphrase-fd 0 "$x" < /var/tmp/grub_verify-pgp_pass; done

if [ ! -f /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg.sig ]; then
    exit 0
    exit 0


## This is only going to address the kernel and initramfs (we're tacking on 
grubenv, as it is edited concurrently with
## kernel upgrades. However, "savedentry" might only change after a reboot. 
This requires further testing). While these
## are the most frequently modified, those with certain configurations will 
need to keep an eye on things.
## Thankfully, the new BootLoaderSpec format ensures that grub.cfg is rarely 
modified. The large majority of users don't
## use custom.cfg and user.cfg is generally on written once. An initial round 
of signing should cover all of this.
## grubenv will be resigned by this version of the script, but requires further 
## The default configuration doesn't allow for inserting modules, so we don't 
need to resign any of them. While this can
## hopefully be changed with Grub's 2.04 release, by that time additional 
module loading can be automated
## per-environment with patches to grub2-mkconfig.
## Once/if we turn on signature verification by default, all of the above will 
be handled with patches to the relevant
## scripts.

## It's unlikely that we'll hit this, but we need to be sure in case we're run 
if [[ $(id -u) != 0 ]]; then
    echo "You must run this script as root"
    exit 1

old_sigs=$(for x in $(find /boot -name "vmlinuz*.sig" -or -name 
"initramfs*.sig" | grep -v rescue | sed 's/.sig//'); do if [[ "$x" != "$(rpm 
-ql kernel-core | grep -e /boot/vmlinuz -e /boot/initramfs | grep "$x")" ]]; 
then echo "$x"; fi; done)
new_uname_r=$(rpm -qa --last kernel | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1 | sed 

for x in $old_sigs; do rm -f "$x.sig"; done
for x in $(find /boot -name "grubenv.sig"); do rm -f "$x"; done
for x in $(find /boot -name "vmlinuz-$new_uname_r" -or -name 
"initramfs-$new_uname_r.img" -or -name "grubenv"); do gpg --batch --detach-sign 
-u "Grub_verify testing key" --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase-fd 0 "$x" < 
/var/tmp/grub_verify-pgp_pass; done
exit 0
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