On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:11:58AM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > If we're still including upstart as a fallback option, I think it's
> The intent is not to do so in the final release, AIUI. We're only
> keeping it around during pre-release, so that if we decide we need to
> fall back to upstart for final release, it's easy to do. As far as I
> know, the plan is to decide later (presumably after beta) which one
> we're going with, and dump the other.

Making a big change like that _after_ beta seems like an invitation to
trouble, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt to you as the QA guy. So in
that case, the requirement could simply be that at the time of the beta,
they do basically the same things, or in cases where they do different
things, it is 1) intentional *and* 2) documented.

Matthew Miller <mat...@mattdm.org>
Senior Systems Architect -- Instructional & Research Computing Services
Harvard School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
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