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On 08/27/2010 08:17 AM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Matthew Miller (mat...@mattdm.org) said: 
>> I'm willing to sacrifice my stable rawhide desktop system in the name of
>> getting Fedora more testing. Where should this discussion be had?
> FESCo. rel-eng will implement it (it's a one-line koji command), but the
> decision isn't really rel-eng's to make unilaterally.
> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/452
> Bill

I'll copy this to the ticket as well, but there are some non-trivial
roadblocks to this.

Koji "latest package" and inheritance works thusly, assuming looking for
the latest 'systemd' in dist-rawhide:

Koji will check the dist-rawhide collection and see if there is a
systemd specifically tagged with dist-rawhide.  If so, return the last
one tagged.  If not:

Koji will check the first level of inheritance to see if there is a
systemd specifically tagged with the first level of inheritance.  If so,
return the last one tagged.  If not:

Koji will check the first level of inheritance of the first level of
inheritance of dist-rawhide to see if there is a systemd ....

How this practically works right now is that when you ask for the latest
systemd in rawhide, koji looks at:

dist-rawhide -> dist-f15 -> dist-f14-updates

Right now we find something at dist-f14-updates and stop there.  Further
searching would look in dist-f14, dist-f13-updates, dist-f13 and so on.

If we are to change this, we'd have to replace dist-f14-updates as the
first level of inheritance from dist-f15 to either
dist-f14-updates-testing or dist-f14-updates-candidate.  This poses a
problem though.

In the case of dist-f14-updates-testing, while the first level of
inheritance there is dist-f14-updates, there are many times when
something goes into -testing, then something newer goes into -testing
without obsoleting the older build, then the newer build goes to
- -updates.  In this scenario there is an older build specifically tagged
in dist-f14-updates-testing and that would be picked up in dist-rawhide,
potentially going /backwards/ in n-v-r.  To fix this the bodhi
obsoletion code needs to get a lot better, or a "3rd party" script needs
to be continuously ran to ensure that there are no older builds sitting
in dist-f14-updates-testing.

In the case of dist-f14-updates-candidate there are many builds that
land here, and only some of them migrate over to
dist-f14-updates-testing or dist-f14-updates.  There is /no/ code right
now to untag things from -candidate when something newer comes along, so
the inheritance check would stop at -candidate just about every single
time, and often pick up builds that are older than what's in -testing or
- -updates.  A potential way to fix this is to have bodhi not /move/ the
build from dist-f14-updates-candidate into -testing or -updates, but
instead just add -testing or -updates as a secondary tag to the build.
This should ensure that the latest /built/ is nearly always the latest
/tagged/ in -candidate.  What side effects this might have on the rest
of the system I don't know at this point, but messing with our tag
structure is not something to be taken lightly.

- -- 
Jesse Keating
Fedora -- FreedomĀ² is a feature!
identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating
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