On Sun, 2010-08-29 at 14:06 +0100, Richard Hughes wrote:
> On 19 August 2010 16:46, seth vidal <skvi...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> > Yesterday someone was talking about installing apps in fedora and how it
> > was hard to figure out what to install/try b/c there were too much STUFF
> > in fedora. They suggested an ‘app store’ like functionality. I explained
> > that all the resources to do something like that exist in the
> > infrastructure yum and friends offer now. I decided to prove that
> > concept a bit.
> > http://skvidal.fedorapeople.org/misc/appfinder.py
> > Running that generates an xml file with only the ‘apps’ defined.
> > Great. Then I wrote a yum plugin to access and use this data.
> I'm kinda disappointing you didn't use (or extend)
> http://github.com/hughsie/app-install as it's what suse and ubuntu
> already use, and I had planned to use in Fedora.
> I've looked at the xml metadata in your repo, and it seems to provide
> very little in the way of the data we actually need in GUI tools, e.g.
> translations, and icons names. The app-install metadata is a gzipped
> sqlite and icons file, which is super quick to query compared to
> parsing and building the xml tree.

The xml that appfinder generated was just a comps format file and it was
just for a proof of concept. 

I realized after this that I don't even need it the pkgTags db that we
already generate has the information needed b/c all the apps are tagged
with 'Application'. So no separate program is needed to generate the app
metadata at all.


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