I tried building a package on Koji against rawhide and got an error
before the build even began.[1] I tried to build the same package
locally with mock and it built just fine. Is there a problem with Koji?

It bombs with:
BuildrootError: could not init mock buildroot, mock exited with status
30; see root.log for more information[2]

More specifically:
Error: Package: nss- (build)
             Requires: nss-util >= 3.12.8
             Available: nss-util- (build)
             nss-util =
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem

Error: Package: nss- (build)
             Requires: nss-util >= 3.12.8
             Installing: nss-util- (build)
             nss-util =
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem

1) https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=2447749
2) https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/getfile?taskID=2447750&name=root.log

|       Randall 'Randy' Berry      ||         Fedora Packager          |
|       randy3...@gmail.com        ||        Fedora Ambassador         |
|      d...@fedoraproject.org      ||       Fedora Proven Tester       |
|     Ham Radio Operator N3LRX     ||    IRC Nick N3LRX on Freenode    |
|                                  ||   http://dp67.fedorapeople.org/  |
|     Member of the Fedora Amateur Radio Special Interest Group        |
|            https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/AmateurRadio               |
|                           Key Fingerprint                            |
|          4165 2D7E 5170 CF38 1D09 25C9 03D8 74E6 CB92 1CBB           |
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