Le lundi 06 septembre 2010 à 11:45 -0400, John J. McDonough a écrit : 
> The wiki has been converted and a draft of the release notes is
> available at
> http://jjmcd.fedorapeople.org/Download/Release_Notes/
> for your review.  The sources are up to date in git, but the translation
> branch is not yet complete.  I will go ahead and do that this afternoon.
> If you could review your beat promptly that would be a help.  This
> evening we are due to send the first POTs to L10N and we should
> stabilize them by tomorrow, so any edits should be made promptly.
> A number of beats were blank, and some of them probably should be, but I
> left them in the document for now as a reminder in case you are aware of
> something that is missing.  I will get rid of them tomorrow.
> Beginning tonight I will start the nightly build, and all the languages,
> initially partially or not at all translated, will begin appearing in
> http://fedorapeople.org/groups/docs/release-notes/
> Thank you all for your hard work!
> --McD

Why i do not see D programming ?

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