
i tested today why stfl FTBFS. I found out that it doesn't installs a
file into /usr/lib.. but lib/..
That happens just for the ruby part of stfl, the perl parts getting
installed into /usr/lib.. just fine.


I checked (thanks kalev) the %{!?ruby_sitearch: %global ruby_sitearch
%(ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config::CONFIG["sitearchdir"] ')} macro and
added two lines:
echo %ruby_sitearch
echo `ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config::CONFIG["sitearchdir"] '`

the response is here:

I have currently no further idea of what might be wrong. I need
someone with more knowledge than i have about what's going on, or what
could be the problem.

The only different thing i saw, was the new ruby build in f14 and
rawhide. Though i have no real clue if that *could* be the problem.

Best regards
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