Adam Williamson píše v Út 30. 06. 2020 v 08:25 -0700:
> On Tue, 2020-06-30 at 16:23 +0200, Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:
> > W dniu 30.06.2020 o 15:34, Jóhann B. Guðmundsson pisze:
> > > Given Hans proposal [1] introduced systemd/grub2/Gnome upstream
> > > changes it beg the question if now would not be the time to stop
> > > supporting booting in legacy bios mode and move to uefi only
> > > supported boot which has been available on any common intel based
> > > x86
> > > platform since atleast 2005.
> > 
> > Will you provide replacement for laptop I bought in 2013? Still has
> > some
> > use, runs Fedora 31 just fine. BIOS mode only.
> > 
> > My other PC at home is BIOS mode only too. Sure, it is FX-6300 so
> > quite
> > old but with some hard drives and 16GB of ram it has a use.
> I'm also still using a laptop from 2010:
> it has outlived one 'replacement' so far, and my 3.5 year old XPS 13
> (9360 gen) recently stopped booting so unless I can fix that, it will
> have outlived two...
> it has no UEFI support either.

I maintain the following laptops in our family:
ThinkPad R61
ThinkPad T400s
ThinkPad X201
Macbook Pro 2010

All of them don't support UEFI, but run Fedora 32 just fine and are
still useful to my relatives. I think one of the important roles of
Linux distributions is that they allow you to keep using hardware that
has been obsoleted by its vendors, help you fight the planned
I know that supporting old hardware comes at a cost and at some point
we just have to make a cut, but doing it for hardware that is 8-10
years old is not much better than the planned obsolescence.

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