The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Request package ownership via the *Take* button in he left column on<pkgname>

Full report available at:
grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain.

For human readable dependency chains, see
For all orphaned packages, see

            Package                      (co)maintainers           Status Change
apache-commons-dbcp               mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
container-exception-logger        abrt-sig, ekulik, mmarusak,      2 weeks ago
                                  msuchy, orphan
dbus-java                         orphan                           4 weeks ago
emacs-magit                       orphan, petersen                 0 weeks ago
fedora-icon-theme                 orphan                           0 weeks ago
freight                           orphan                           0 weeks ago
fst                               orphan                           4 weeks ago
geronimo-parent-poms              jjelen, mizdebsk, orphan         2 weeks ago
golang-github-mholt-              orphan                           1 weeks ago
joda-time                         mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
js-jquery-iframe-transport        orphan                           4 weeks ago
js-jquery-knob                    orphan                           4 weeks ago
js-jquery-qrcode                  orphan                           4 weeks ago
js-tag-it                         orphan                           4 weeks ago
jvnet-parent                      mizdebsk, orphan                 2 weeks ago
libmatthew-java                   orphan                           4 weeks ago
liquibase                         awood, orphan                    4 weeks ago
man-pages-de                      orphan, romal                    4 weeks ago
marble-widget                     orphan, rdieter                  1 weeks ago
mozilla-iot-gateway-addon-node    orphan                           4 weeks ago
mozilla-iot-gateway-addon-        orphan                           4 weeks ago
nodejs-babel-code-frame           orphan                           0 weeks ago
nodejs-base                       orphan                           0 weeks ago
nodejs-bcrypt                     nodejs-sig, orphan               0 weeks ago
nodejs-body-parser                orphan                           0 weeks ago
nodejs-bufferutil                 nodejs-sig, orphan               0 weeks ago
nodejs-cache-base                 orphan                           0 weeks ago
nodejs-call-matcher               orphan                           0 weeks ago
nodejs-core-util-is               nodejs-sig, orphan               5 weeks ago
nodejs-cross-spawn                nodejs-sig, orphan               0 weeks ago
nodejs-cross-spawn-async          nodejs-sig, orphan               0 weeks ago
nodejs-css-stringify              nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-css-tree                   orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-doctrine                   galileo, nodejs-sig, orphan,     0 weeks ago
nodejs-duplexer                   nodejs-sig, orphan               5 weeks ago
nodejs-duplexify                  nodejs-sig, orphan               5 weeks ago
nodejs-end-of-stream              nodejs-sig, orphan               5 weeks ago
nodejs-espower-location-          orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-esrecurse                  nodejs-sig, orphan               0 weeks ago
nodejs-faucet                     orphan                           0 weeks ago
nodejs-from                       nodejs-sig, orphan               5 weeks ago
nodejs-fs-dot-notify              orphan                           0 weeks ago
nodejs-gauge                      nodejs-sig, orphan               0 weeks ago
nodejs-global-prefix              nodejs-sig, orphan               0 weeks ago
nodejs-grunt                      nodejs-sig, orphan, patches,     2 weeks ago
nodejs-grunt-legacy-util          nodejs-sig, orphan, patches,     0 weeks ago
nodejs-http-signature             nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      0 weeks ago
nodejs-jsonm                      nodejs-sig, orphan               0 weeks ago
nodejs-jsonstream                 nodejs-sig, orphan               0 weeks ago
nodejs-markdown-it-testgen        nodejs-sig, orphan               0 weeks ago
nodejs-node-static                nodejs-sig, orphan, tdawson      0 weeks ago
nodejs-nopt                       nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      0 weeks ago
nodejs-option-cache               orphan                           0 weeks ago
nodejs-raw-body                   nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      0 weeks ago
nodejs-readable-stream            jsmith, nodejs-sig, orphan       5 weeks ago
nodejs-rechoir                    nodejs-sig, orphan               0 weeks ago
nodejs-require-yaml               nodejs-sig, orphan               0 weeks ago
nodejs-rfile                      orphan                           0 weeks ago
nodejs-rollup-plugin-commonjs     orphan                           0 weeks ago
nodejs-rollup-plugin-node-        orphan                           0 weeks ago
nodejs-snapdragon                 orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-socket-dot-io-parser       orphan                           0 weeks ago
nodejs-tap-mocha-reporter         nodejs-sig, orphan               0 weeks ago
nodejs-tap-parser                 nodejs-sig, orphan               0 weeks ago
plexus-ant-factory                mizdebsk, orphan                 1 weeks ago
plexus-component-factories-pom    mizdebsk, orphan                 1 weeks ago
python-kaptan                     bowlofeggs, jcline, orphan       2 weeks ago
python-libtmux                    orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-nnpy                       orphan                           4 weeks ago
python-zope-configuration         infra-sig, orphan, tdabasin      0 weeks ago
qrcode-generator                  orphan                           4 weeks ago
relaxngDatatype                   dbhole, mizdebsk, orphan         1 weeks ago
relaxngcc                         orphan                           1 weeks ago
rmic-maven-plugin                 mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
ruby-ldap                         orphan                           5 weeks ago
rubygem-Ascii85                   orphan, ruby-packagers-sig       0 weeks ago
rubygem-delayed_job               orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-                          orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-elasticsearch             orphan                           5 weeks ago
rubygem-elasticsearch-api         orphan                           5 weeks ago
rubygem-fast_gettext              brandfbb, orphan                 5 weeks ago
rubygem-jgrep                     lkundrak, orphan, stevetraylen   0 weeks ago
rubygem-org-ruby                  orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-paint                     orphan                           0 weeks ago
rubygem-rkerberos                 orphan                           0 weeks ago
rubygem-ruby-rc4                  orphan, ruby-packagers-sig       0 weeks ago
rubygem-rubypants                 orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-sigdump                   orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-wikicloth                 orphan                           4 weeks ago
rubygem-wirb                      orphan                           0 weeks ago
satyr                             abrt-sig, ekulik, mgrabovs,      2 weeks ago
                                  mmarusak, msuchy, orphan
sonatype-oss-parent               mizdebsk, orphan                 2 weeks ago
umlgraph                          orphan                           0 weeks ago
unboundid-ldapsdk                 orphan                           5 weeks ago
unison213                         gemi, orphan, rjones             5 weeks ago
unison227                         brummbq, gemi, orphan, rjones,   5 weeks ago
unison240                         brummbq, orphan, rjones          5 weeks ago

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Report too long, see the full version at

See dependency chains of your packages at
See all orphaned packages at

Affected (co)maintainers (either directly or via packages' dependencies):
abompard: python-zope-configuration
abradshaw: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
abrt-sig: satyr, container-exception-logger
abrt-team: satyr, container-exception-logger
acaringi: sonatype-oss-parent
akurtakov: sonatype-oss-parent
amahdal: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
anishpatil: nodejs-css-stringify
anoopcs: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
asrob: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
athoscr: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
awood: liquibase
besser82: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
bowlofeggs: python-kaptan
brandfbb: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-fast_gettext, rubygem-ruby-rc4
brummbq: unison240, unison227
cfeist: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
chrisw: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
churchyard: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
cicku: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
ckyriakidou: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
clime: nodejs-grunt, nodejs-nopt, nodejs-grunt-legacy-util
coolsvap: geronimo-parent-poms
copr-sig: nodejs-grunt, nodejs-nopt, nodejs-grunt-legacy-util
cottsay: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
cquad: sonatype-oss-parent
dbhole: relaxngDatatype
dcallagh: nodejs-css-stringify
decathorpe: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
devos: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
dfateyev: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
djbw: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
dturecek: nodejs-grunt, nodejs-nopt, nodejs-grunt-legacy-util
ebaron: sonatype-oss-parent
eclipse-sig: sonatype-oss-parent
ekulik: satyr, container-exception-logger
evgeni: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
fab: rubygem-Ascii85, nodejs-rechoir, nodejs-css-stringify, rubygem-ruby-rc4
fale: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
frostyx: nodejs-grunt, nodejs-nopt, nodejs-grunt-legacy-util
galileo: sonatype-oss-parent, nodejs-doctrine
gchamoul: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
gemi: unison227, unison213
germano: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
gil: geronimo-parent-poms
hguemar: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
hhorak: sonatype-oss-parent
hobbes1069: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
honzaf: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
idevat: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
ignatenkobrain: rubygem-Ascii85, python-kaptan, python-libtmux, rubygem-ruby-rc4
infra-sig: python-zope-configuration
irina: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
jaruga: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
jcline: python-kaptan
jdeluyck: nodejs-rechoir
jerboaa: sonatype-oss-parent
jfilak: satyr, container-exception-logger
jhli: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
jhrozek: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
jjames: jvnet-parent
jjelen: geronimo-parent-poms, jvnet-parent, sonatype-oss-parent, 
jjohnstn: sonatype-oss-parent
jpokorny: relaxngDatatype, rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
jskarvad: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
jsmith: nodejs-cross-spawn, nodejs-css-tree, nodejs-css-stringify, nodejs-end-of-stream, nodejs-grunt, nodejs-nopt, nodejs-rollup-plugin-node-resolve, nodejs-readable-stream, nodejs-grunt-legacy-util, nodejs-snapdragon, nodejs-rechoir, nodejs-core-util-is, nodejs-cross-spawn-async, nodejs-cache-base, nodejs-global-prefix, nodejs-base, nodejs-duplexify
jstanek: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
jsteffan: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
jstribny: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
jussilehtola: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
jvanek: sonatype-oss-parent
kanarip: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
kdaniel: sonatype-oss-parent
keitellf: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
kkeithle: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
lef: jvnet-parent, sonatype-oss-parent
lkundrak: rubygem-jgrep
luya: nodejs-css-tree
m4rtink: satyr
maha: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
mbooth: sonatype-oss-parent
mef: sonatype-oss-parent
mgrabovs: satyr, container-exception-logger
mizdebsk: geronimo-parent-poms, jvnet-parent, sonatype-oss-parent, apache-commons-dbcp, relaxngDatatype, plexus-ant-factory, plexus-component-factories-pom, rmic-maven-plugin, joda-time
mlisik: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
mmarusak: satyr, container-exception-logger
mmorsi: rubygem-Ascii85, joda-time, sonatype-oss-parent, rubygem-ruby-rc4
moceap: geronimo-parent-poms
mojavelinux: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
mso: fedora-icon-theme
msuchy: nodejs-grunt, nodejs-nopt, nodejs-grunt-legacy-util, satyr, container-exception-logger
ngompa: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
niveusluna: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
nodejs-sig: nodejs-bufferutil, nodejs-css-stringify, nodejs-duplexer, nodejs-nopt, nodejs-tap-parser, nodejs-markdown-it-testgen, nodejs-core-util-is, nodejs-cross-spawn-async, nodejs-from, nodejs-end-of-stream, nodejs-grunt, nodejs-jsonm, nodejs-rechoir, nodejs-esrecurse, nodejs-node-static, nodejs-cross-spawn, nodejs-css-tree, nodejs-doctrine, nodejs-bcrypt, nodejs-grunt-legacy-util, nodejs-http-signature, nodejs-readable-stream, nodejs-jsonstream, nodejs-tap-mocha-reporter, nodejs-global-prefix, nodejs-raw-body, nodejs-duplexify, nodejs-snapdragon, nodejs-require-yaml, nodejs-gauge
nonamedotc: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
olysonek: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
omular: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
patches: nodejs-css-stringify, nodejs-grunt, nodejs-nopt, nodejs-readable-stream, nodejs-grunt-legacy-util, nodejs-http-signature, nodejs-rechoir, nodejs-core-util-is, nodejs-raw-body
pbrobinson: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
pcahyna: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
petersen: emacs-magit
piotrp: nodejs-css-stringify, nodejs-grunt, nodejs-nopt, nodejs-grunt-legacy-util, nodejs-jsonstream
pknirsch: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
ppisar: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
praiskup: nodejs-grunt, nodejs-nopt, nodejs-grunt-legacy-util
pstodulk: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
pvalena: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
raphgro: sonatype-oss-parent
rdieter: marble-widget
rgrunber: sonatype-oss-parent
rjones: unison240, unison227, unison213
romal: man-pages-de
ruby-packagers-sig: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
rust-sig: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
sagitter: nodejs-rechoir
salimma: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
sandeen: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
sdgathman: sonatype-oss-parent, nodejs-nopt
sdyroff: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
sergiomb: js-jquery-iframe-transport, nodejs-css-stringify
simo: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
skisela: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
snecker: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
spike: geronimo-parent-poms
spontsle: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
stevetraylen: rubygem-jgrep
stingray: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
tc01: jvnet-parent, nodejs-css-stringify, nodejs-bufferutil, nodejs-grunt, nodejs-nopt, relaxngDatatype, nodejs-readable-stream, nodejs-grunt-legacy-util, nodejs-core-util-is, nodejs-raw-body, nodejs-body-parser
tdabasin: python-zope-configuration
tdawson: nodejs-readable-stream, nodejs-core-util-is, nodejs-node-static
thias: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
thm: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
timj: unison227
tmz: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
tojeline: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
tross: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
valtri: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
vishalv: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
vjancik: nodejs-readable-stream, nodejs-core-util-is, nodejs-doctrine, nodejs-css-stringify
vondruch: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
vtrefny: satyr
xavierb: nodejs-grunt, nodejs-nopt, nodejs-grunt-legacy-util
xenithorb: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ruby-rc4
zbyszek: sonatype-oss-parent
zvetlik: nodejs-readable-stream, nodejs-core-util-is, nodejs-css-stringify
zzambers: sonatype-oss-parent

The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora
Release Engineering. Please report issues at its pagure instance:
The sources of this script can be found at:
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