Bruno Wolff III <> writes:

> Because it is more work. If one is managing lots of systems as part of a
> job, you want to be efficient in how your time is used. Fedora systems
> change to fast for that.

On the other hand, Fedora saves a lot of time by not having to maintain
reasonably new versions of the server software you actually want to run
- be it Postgres, BIND, Apache, DHCPD or something else. Maintaining
those packages yourself is hard work, especially because you need to
stay up-to-date on security updates.

For me, Fedora definitely saves work over CentOS. The things that could
change this:

1) If Postgres 9 was released in the middle of a cycle so a security
upgrade ended up with forcing a full dump/reload of databases. I can't
see that happening.

2) If Ruby keeps falling behind. (I'm sure others feel the same about

3) If Fedora ended up too broken to use for more than one release, so I
couldn't just skip a cycle.

Fixing the upgrade script every 6 months is a small price to pay for
up-to-date software.


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