OLD: Fedora-Rawhide-20201229.n.0
NEW: Fedora-Rawhide-20201230.n.0

===== SUMMARY =====
Added images:        0
Dropped images:      0
Added packages:      2
Dropped packages:    0
Upgraded packages:   102
Downgraded packages: 0

Size of added packages:      1.93 MiB
Size of dropped packages:    0 B
Size of upgraded packages:   2.84 GiB
Size of downgraded packages: 0 B

Size change of upgraded packages:   -20.85 MiB
Size change of downgraded packages: 0 B

===== ADDED IMAGES =====

===== DROPPED IMAGES =====

===== ADDED PACKAGES =====
Package: ansible-collection-community-general-1.3.1-1.fc34
Summary: Modules and plugins supported by Ansible community
RPMs:    ansible-collection-community-general
Size:    1.65 MiB

Package: ansible-collection-google-cloud-1.0.1-1.fc34
Summary: Google Cloud Platform collection
RPMs:    ansible-collection-google-cloud
Size:    276.98 KiB


Package:      R-git2r-0.27.1-4.fc34
Old package:  R-git2r-0.27.1-3.fc33
Summary:      Provides Access to Git Repositories
RPMs:         R-git2r
Size:         2.16 MiB
Size change:  -2.57 KiB
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.27.1-4
  - Rebuild for libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      aeskeyfind-1.0-9.fc34
Old package:  aeskeyfind-1.0-9.fc33
Summary:      Locate 128-bit and 256-bit AES keys in a captured memory image
RPMs:         aeskeyfind
Size:         92.41 KiB
Size change:  -26 B

Package:      alglib-3.17.0-1.fc34
Old package:  alglib-3.16.0-3.fc33
Summary:      A numerical analysis and data processing library
RPMs:         alglib alglib-devel alglib-doc
Size:         9.17 MiB
Size change:  297.27 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Sandro Mani <manisan...@gmail.com> - 3.17.0-1
  - Update to 3.17.0

Package:      amsynth-1.12.2-1.fc34
Old package:  amsynth-1.12.1-1.fc34
Summary:      A classic synthesizer with dual oscillators
RPMs:         amsynth amsynth-data dssi-amsynth-plugin lv2-amsynth-plugin 
Size:         3.71 MiB
Size change:  -3.32 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Guido Aulisi <guido.aul...@gmail.com> - 1.12.2-1
  - Update to 1.12.2
  - Fix #1911367

Package:      ansible-collection-ansible-netcommon-1.4.1-1.fc34
Old package:  ansible-collection-ansible-netcommon-1.1.2-1.fc33
Summary:      Ansible Network Collection for Common Code
RPMs:         ansible-collection-ansible-netcommon
Size:         187.46 KiB
Size change:  21.71 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.4.1-1
  - Update to 1.4.1

Package:      ansible-collection-ansible-posix-1.1.1-1.fc34
Old package:  ansible-collection-ansible-posix-1.1.0-1.fc34
Summary:      Ansible Collection targeting POSIX and POSIX-ish platforms
RPMs:         ansible-collection-ansible-posix
Size:         117.59 KiB
Size change:  232 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.1.1-1
  - Update to 1.1.1

Package:      ansible-collection-community-kubernetes-1.1.1-2.fc34
Old package:  ansible-collection-community-kubernetes-1.0.0-1.fc34
Summary:      Kubernetes Collection for Ansible
RPMs:         ansible-collection-community-kubernetes
Size:         95.41 KiB
Size change:  17.89 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.1.1-1
  - Update to 1.1.1

  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.1.1-2
  - Drop unneeded dependency

Package:      ansible-collection-netbox-netbox-1.2.0-1.fc34
Old package:  ansible-collection-netbox-netbox-0.3.1-1.fc33
Summary:      Netbox modules for Ansible
RPMs:         ansible-collection-netbox-netbox
Size:         214.81 KiB
Size change:  76.57 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.2.0-1
  - Update to 1.2.0

Package:      awscli-1.18.204-1.fc34
Old package:  awscli-1.18.203-1.fc34
Summary:      Universal Command Line Environment for AWS
RPMs:         awscli
Size:         1.95 MiB
Size change:  57 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Gwyn Ciesla <gw...@protonmail.com> - 1.18.204-1
  - 1.18.204

Package:      bitmap-fonts-0.3-36.fc34
Old package:  bitmap-fonts-0.3-34.fc33
Summary:      Selected set of bitmap fonts
RPMs:         bitmap-console-fonts bitmap-console-opentype-fonts 
bitmap-fangsongti-fonts bitmap-fangsongti-opentype-fonts bitmap-fixed-fonts 
bitmap-fixed-opentype-fonts bitmap-fonts-compat bitmap-lucida-typewriter-fonts 
bitmap-lucida-typewriter-opentype-fonts bitmap-opentype-fonts-compat
Size:         1.51 MiB
Size change:  8.76 KiB
  * Fri Sep 04 2020 Peng Wu <p...@redhat.com> - 0.3-35
  - Use BDF fonts for OpenType conversion

  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Peng Wu <p...@redhat.com> - 0.3-36
  - Rebuilt with fonttosfnt 1.2.1

Package:      calligra-3.2.1-6.fc34
Old package:  calligra-3.2.1-5.fc34
Summary:      An integrated office suite
RPMs:         calligra calligra-core calligra-karbon calligra-karbon-libs 
calligra-l10n calligra-libs calligra-okular-odpgenerator 
calligra-okular-odtgenerator calligra-sheets calligra-sheets-libs 
calligra-stage calligra-stage-libs calligra-words calligra-words-libs
Size:         167.42 MiB
Size change:  -504.89 KiB
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.1-6
  - Rebuild for libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      cinnamon-4.8.4-1.fc34
Old package:  cinnamon-4.8.3-1.fc34
Summary:      Window management and application launching for GNOME
RPMs:         cinnamon cinnamon-devel-doc
Size:         8.59 MiB
Size change:  622 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Leigh Scott <leigh123li...@gmail.com> - 4.8.4-1
  - Update to 4.8.4 release

Package:      dummy-test-package-gloster-0-2266.fc34
Old package:  dummy-test-package-gloster-0-2261.fc34
Summary:      Dummy Test Package called Gloster
RPMs:         dummy-test-package-gloster
Size:         143.91 KiB
Size change:  316 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 packagerbot <ad...@fedoraproject.org> - 0-2262
  - rebuilt

  * Tue Dec 29 2020 packagerbot <ad...@fedoraproject.org> - 0-2263
  - rebuilt

  * Tue Dec 29 2020 packagerbot <ad...@fedoraproject.org> - 0-2264
  - rebuilt

  * Tue Dec 29 2020 packagerbot <ad...@fedoraproject.org> - 0-2265
  - rebuilt

  * Wed Dec 30 2020 packagerbot <ad...@fedoraproject.org> - 0-2266
  - rebuilt

Package:      elementary-planner-6.2.3-1.fc34
Old package:  elementary-planner-2.6.2-1.fc34
Summary:      Task manager with Todoist support designed for GNU/Linux
RPMs:         elementary-planner elementary-planner-devel
Size:         8.27 MiB
Size change:  35.04 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Artem Polishchuk <ego.corda...@gmail.com> - 6.2.3-1
  - build(update): 6.2.3

Package:      fb303-0-0.1.20201228git7700913.fc34
Old package:  fb303-0-0.1.20201221git96ae845.fc34
Summary:      Base Thrift service and a common set of functionality
RPMs:         fb303 fb303-devel fb303-static
Size:         4.63 MiB
Size change:  -1.59 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Michel Alexandre Salim <sali...@fedoraproject.org> - 
  - Update to snapshot from 20201228

Package:      fbthrift-2020.12.28.00-1.fc34
Old package:  fbthrift-2020.12.21.00-1.fc34
Summary:      Facebook's branch of Apache Thrift, including a new C++ server
RPMs:         fbthrift fbthrift-devel fbthrift-static python3-fbthrift 
Size:         27.11 MiB
Size change:  25.27 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Michel Alexandre Salim <sali...@fedoraproject.org> - 
  - Update to 2020.12.28.00

Package:      fbzmq-2020.12.28.00-1.fc34
Old package:  fbzmq-2020.12.21.00-1.fc34
Summary:      Framework for writing services in C++ while leveraging libzmq
RPMs:         fbzmq fbzmq-devel fbzmq-static
Size:         2.17 MiB
Size change:  1.46 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Michel Alexandre Salim <sali...@fedoraproject.org> - 
  - Update to 2020.12.28.00

Package:      fizz-2020.12.28.00-1.fc34
Old package:  fizz-2020.12.21.00-1.fc34
Summary:      A C++14 implementation of the TLS-1.3 standard
RPMs:         fizz fizz-devel fizz-static
Size:         4.48 MiB
Size change:  -767 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Michel Alexandre Salim <sali...@fedoraproject.org> - 
  - Update to 2020.12.28.00

Package:      folly-2020.12.28.00-1.fc34
Old package:  folly-2020.12.21.00-1.fc34
Summary:      An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook
RPMs:         folly folly-devel folly-docs folly-static python3-folly 
Size:         27.65 MiB
Size change:  63.33 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Michel Alexandre Salim <sali...@fedoraproject.org> - 
  - Update to 2020.12.28.00

Package:      geany-plugins-1.37-2.fc34
Old package:  geany-plugins-1.37-1.fc34
Summary:      Plugins for Geany
RPMs:         geany-plugins-addons geany-plugins-autoclose 
geany-plugins-automark geany-plugins-codenav geany-plugins-commander 
geany-plugins-common geany-plugins-debugger geany-plugins-defineformat 
geany-plugins-geanyctags geany-plugins-geanydoc geany-plugins-geanyextrasel 
geany-plugins-geanygendoc geany-plugins-geanyinsertnum geany-plugins-geanymacro 
geany-plugins-geanyminiscript geany-plugins-geanynumberedbookmarks 
geany-plugins-geanypg geany-plugins-geanyprj geany-plugins-geanyvc 
geany-plugins-geniuspaste geany-plugins-git-changebar geany-plugins-keyrecord 
geany-plugins-latex geany-plugins-lineoperations geany-plugins-lipsum 
geany-plugins-markdown geany-plugins-overview geany-plugins-pairtaghighlighter 
geany-plugins-pohelper geany-plugins-pretty-printer 
geany-plugins-projectorganizer geany-plugins-scope geany-plugins-sendmail 
geany-plugins-shiftcolumn geany-plugins-spellcheck geany-plugins-tableconvert 
geany-plugins-treebrowser geany-plugins-updatechecker geany-plugins-vimode 
geany-plugins-workbench geany-plugins-xmlsnippets
Size:         15.03 MiB
Size change:  -35.44 KiB
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.37-2
  - Rebuild for libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      gnome-builder-3.38.1-2.fc34
Old package:  gnome-builder-3.38.1-1.fc34
Summary:      IDE for writing GNOME-based software
RPMs:         gnome-builder gnome-builder-devel
Size:         67.84 MiB
Size change:  -27.36 MiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 3.38.1-2
  - Rebuild for libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      golang-github-google-slothfs-0-0.5.20200101git6b42407.fc34
Old package:  golang-github-google-slothfs-0-0.4.20200101git6b42407.fc33
Summary:      FUSE filesystem for light-weight, lazily-loaded, read-only Git
RPMs:         golang-github-google-slothfs golang-github-google-slothfs-devel
Size:         64.55 MiB
Size change:  356.88 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0-0.5
  - Rebuild for libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      golang-github-libgit2-git2go-31.4.7-1.fc34
Old package:  golang-github-libgit2-git2go-30.0.5-1.fc33
Summary:      Bindings for libgit2
RPMs:         golang-github-libgit2-git2go-devel
Size:         97.21 KiB
Size change:  12.14 KiB
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 31.4.7-1
  - Update to 31.4.7

Package:      golang-x-build-0-0.16.20201229git0a4bf69.fc34
Old package:  golang-x-build-0-0.15.20200904git301a72c.fc34
Summary:      Packages and tools that support Go's build system
RPMs:         golang-x-build golang-x-build-devel
Size:         567.64 MiB
Size change:  10.82 MiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Robert-Andr?? Mauchin <zebo...@gmail.com> - 
  - Bump to commit 0a4bf693f6139da99647cdcccd3fd0b8a6fbfd70

Package:      grsync-1.3.0-1.fc34
Old package:  grsync-1.2.8-2.fc33
Summary:      A Gtk+ GUI for rsync
RPMs:         grsync
Size:         884.54 KiB
Size change:  2.38 KiB
  * Wed Dec 30 2020 Filipe Rosset <rosset.fil...@gmail.com> - 1.3.0-1
  - Update to 1.3.0 fixes rhbz#1900707

Package:      java-1.8.0-openjdk-1:
Old package:  java-1.8.0-openjdk-1:
Summary:      OpenJDK Runtime Environment 8
RPMs:         java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-accessibility 
java-1.8.0-openjdk-accessibility-slowdebug java-1.8.0-openjdk-demo 
java-1.8.0-openjdk-demo-fastdebug java-1.8.0-openjdk-demo-slowdebug 
java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel-fastdebug 
java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel-slowdebug java-1.8.0-openjdk-fastdebug 
java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless-fastdebug 
java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless-slowdebug java-1.8.0-openjdk-javadoc 
java-1.8.0-openjdk-javadoc-zip java-1.8.0-openjdk-openjfx 
java-1.8.0-openjdk-openjfx-devel java-1.8.0-openjdk-openjfx-devel-fastdebug 
java-1.8.0-openjdk-openjfx-devel-slowdebug java-1.8.0-openjdk-openjfx-fastdebug 
java-1.8.0-openjdk-openjfx-slowdebug java-1.8.0-openjdk-slowdebug 
java-1.8.0-openjdk-src java-1.8.0-openjdk-src-fastdebug 
Size:         1.01 GiB
Size change:  -231.04 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Andrew Hughes <gnu.and...@redhat.com> - 
  - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u282-b02 (EA)
  - Update release notes for 8u282-b02.

Package:      kdsoap-1.10.0-1.fc34
Old package:  kdsoap-1.9.0-7.fc33
Summary:      A Qt-based client-side and server-side SOAP component
RPMs:         kdsoap kdsoap-devel kdsoap-doc
Size:         3.42 MiB
Size change:  64.49 KiB
  * Sat Nov 14 2020 Marie Loise Nolden <lo...@kde.org> - 1.9.1-1
  - Update to 1.9.1

  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Casper Meijn <cas...@meijn.net> - 1.10.0-1
  - Update to KDSoap 1.10.0

Package:      kf5-ktexteditor-5.77.0-2.fc34
Old package:  kf5-ktexteditor-5.77.0-1.fc34
Summary:      KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 with advanced embeddable text editor
RPMs:         kf5-ktexteditor kf5-ktexteditor-devel
Size:         16.18 MiB
Size change:  -5.61 KiB
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 5.77.0-2
  - Rebuild for libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      kio-extras-20.08.3-2.fc34
Old package:  kio-extras-20.08.3-1.fc34
Summary:      Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO 
RPMs:         kio-extras kio-extras-devel kio-extras-info
Size:         8.29 MiB
Size change:  -28.27 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Rex Dieter <rdie...@fedoraproject.org> - 20.08.3-2
  - rebuild (kdsoap)
  - update URL
  - .spec cosmetics

Package:      legendary-0.20.6-1.fc34
Old package:  legendary-0.20.5-1.fc34
Summary:      Free and open-source replacement for the Epic Games Launcher
RPMs:         legendary
Size:         155.67 KiB
Size change:  238 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Artem Polishchuk <ego.corda...@gmail.com> - 0.20.6-1
  - build(update): 0.20.6

Package:      libgamerzilla-0.0.9-1.fc34
Old package:  libgamerzilla-0.0.8-1.fc34
Summary:      Gamerzilla Integration Library
RPMs:         libgamerzilla libgamerzilla-devel libgamerzilla-server
Size:         313.58 KiB
Size change:  -1.30 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Dennis Payne <du...@identicalsoftware.com> - 0.0.9-1
  - Update to newest version

Package:      libgit2-1.1.0-2.fc34
Old package:  libgit2-1.0.1-3.fc33
Summary:      C implementation of the Git core methods as a library with a 
solid API
RPMs:         libgit2 libgit2-devel
Size:         4.19 MiB
Size change:  -34.37 KiB
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.1.0-1
  - Update to 1.1.0

  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.1.0-2
  - Rebuild

Package:      libgit2-glib-
Old package:  libgit2-glib-
Summary:      Git library for GLib
RPMs:         libgit2-glib libgit2-glib-devel
Size:         1.77 MiB
Size change:  -134 B
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> -
  - Rebuild for libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      libmicrohttpd-1:0.9.72-1.fc34
Old package:  libmicrohttpd-1:0.9.71-2.fc33
Summary:      Lightweight library for embedding a webserver in applications
RPMs:         libmicrohttpd libmicrohttpd-devel libmicrohttpd-doc
Size:         13.66 MiB
Size change:  1.15 MiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Martin Gansser <marti...@fedoraproject.org> - 1:0.9.72-1
  - Update to 1:0.9.72

Package:      magic-8.3.105-1.fc34
Old package:  magic-8.3.100-1.fc34
Summary:      A very capable VLSI layout tool
RPMs:         magic magic-doc
Size:         9.07 MiB
Size change:  3.01 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Mamoru TASAKA <mtas...@fedoraproject.org> - 8.3.105-1
  - 8.3.105

Package:      mingw-libgamerzilla-0.0.9-1.fc34
Old package:  mingw-libgamerzilla-0.0.8-1.fc34
Summary:      MinGW Windows port of Gamerzilla Integration Library
RPMs:         mingw32-libgamerzilla mingw64-libgamerzilla
Size:         70.82 KiB
Size change:  452 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Dennis Payne <du...@identicalsoftware.com> - 0.0.9-1
  - Update to newest version

Package:      mingw-openjpeg2-2.4.0-1.fc34
Old package:  mingw-openjpeg2-2.3.1-11.fc34
Summary:      MinGW Windows openjpeg2 library
RPMs:         mingw32-openjpeg2 mingw32-openjpeg2-tools mingw64-openjpeg2 
Size:         606.58 KiB
Size change:  22.82 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Sandro Mani <manisan...@gmail.com> - 2.4.0-1
  - Update to 2.4.0

Package:      mint-x-icons-1.5.8-1.fc34
Old package:  mint-x-icons-1.5.5-2.fc33
Summary:      Icon theme for Linux Mint
RPMs:         mint-x-icons
Size:         13.15 MiB
Size change:  101.90 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Leigh Scott <leigh123li...@gmail.com> - 1.5.8-1
  - New upstream release

Package:      mint-y-icons-1.4.8-1.fc34
Old package:  mint-y-icons-1.4.6-1.fc34
Summary:      The Mint-Y icon theme
RPMs:         mint-y-icons
Size:         59.53 MiB
Size change:  -33.51 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Leigh Scott <leigh123li...@gmail.com> - 1.4.8-1
  - New upstream release

Package:      mozilla-noscript-11.1.7-1.fc34
Old package:  mozilla-noscript-11.1.5-1.fc34
Summary:      JavaScript white list extension for Mozilla Firefox
RPMs:         mozilla-noscript
Size:         593.38 KiB
Size change:  1.16 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Dominik Mierzejewski <r...@greysector.net> - 11.1.7-1
  - update to 11.1.7 (#1906206)

Package:      nbdkit-1.23.13-1.fc34
Old package:  nbdkit-1.23.11-1.fc34
Summary:      NBD server
RPMs:         nbdkit nbdkit-S3-plugin nbdkit-bash-completion 
nbdkit-basic-filters nbdkit-basic-plugins nbdkit-cc-plugin nbdkit-cdi-plugin 
nbdkit-curl-plugin nbdkit-devel nbdkit-example-plugins nbdkit-ext2-filter 
nbdkit-guestfs-plugin nbdkit-gzip-filter nbdkit-iso-plugin 
nbdkit-libvirt-plugin nbdkit-linuxdisk-plugin nbdkit-lua-plugin 
nbdkit-nbd-plugin nbdkit-ocaml-plugin nbdkit-ocaml-plugin-devel 
nbdkit-perl-plugin nbdkit-python-plugin nbdkit-ruby-plugin nbdkit-server 
nbdkit-ssh-plugin nbdkit-tar-filter nbdkit-tcl-plugin nbdkit-tmpdisk-plugin 
nbdkit-torrent-plugin nbdkit-vddk-plugin nbdkit-xz-filter
Size:         8.93 MiB
Size change:  39.58 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Richard W.M. Jones <rjo...@redhat.com> - 1.23.13-1
  - New upstream development version 1.23.13.
  - Add configure --with-extra.

Package:      ocaml-ptmap-2.0.5-1.fc34
Old package:  ocaml-ptmap-2.0.4-15.fc34
Summary:      Maps over integers implemented as Patricia trees
RPMs:         ocaml-ptmap ocaml-ptmap-devel
Size:         1.36 MiB
Size change:  636.59 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Jerry James <loganje...@gmail.com> - 2.0.5-1
  - Version 2.0.5
  - License is LGPLv2, not LGPLv2+
  - Drop upstreamed filter_map patch
  - Building and testing are now done with dune
  - Documentation is now generated with odoc

Package:      ocrmypdf-11.4.2-1.fc34
Old package:  ocrmypdf-11.4.0-1.fc34
Summary:      Add an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files
RPMs:         ocrmypdf ocrmypdf-doc
Size:         507.98 KiB
Size change:  -4.54 MiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.anal...@gmail.com> - 
  - Update to latest version (#1904259)

Package:      openjpeg2-2.4.0-1.fc34
Old package:  openjpeg2-2.3.1-10.fc34
Summary:      C-Library for JPEG 2000
RPMs:         openjpeg2 openjpeg2-devel openjpeg2-devel-docs openjpeg2-tools
Size:         2.41 MiB
Size change:  96.74 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Sandro Mani <manisan...@gmail.com> - 2.4.0-1
  - Update to 2.4.0

Package:      owncloud-client-2.7.4-1.fc34
Old package:  owncloud-client-2.6.3-1.fc34
Summary:      The ownCloud Client
RPMs:         owncloud-client owncloud-client-caja owncloud-client-devel 
owncloud-client-dolphin owncloud-client-libs owncloud-client-nautilus 
Size:         8.93 MiB
Size change:  -2.60 MiB
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Miro Hron??ok <mhron...@redhat.com> - 2.7.4-1
  - Update to 2.7.4
  - Fixes: rhbz#1792390

Package:      py3status-3.31-1.fc34
Old package:  py3status-3.30-1.fc34
Summary:      An extensible i3status wrapper written in python
RPMs:         py3status py3status-doc
Size:         2.46 MiB
Size change:  1.91 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Jakub Jedelsky <jakub.jedel...@gmail.com> - 3.31-1
  - Bump to 3.31

Package:      python-aenum-2.2.6-1.fc34
Old package:  python-aenum-2.2.4-1.fc34
Summary:      Advanced Enumerations, NamedTuples and NamedConstants for Python
RPMs:         python3-aenum
Size:         173.82 KiB
Size change:  6.32 KiB
  * Wed Dec 30 2020 Fabian Affolter <m...@fabian-affolter.ch> - 2.2.6-1
  - Update to latest upstream release 2.2.6 (#1911533)

Package:      python-angr-9.0.5171-1.fc34
Old package:  python-angr-9.0.5034-1.fc34
Summary:      Multi-architecture binary analysis toolkit
RPMs:         python3-angr
Size:         8.25 MiB
Size change:  20.32 KiB
  * Sun Dec 27 2020 Fabian Affolter <m...@fabian-affolter.ch> - 9.0.5171-1
  - Update to latest upstream release 9.0.5171 (#1901693)

Package:      python-boto3-1.16.44-1.fc34
Old package:  python-boto3-1.16.43-1.fc34
Summary:      The AWS SDK for Python
RPMs:         python3-boto3
Size:         145.91 KiB
Size change:  10 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Gwyn Ciesla <gw...@protonmail.com> - 1.16.44-1
  - 1.16.44

Package:      python-botocore-1.19.44-1.fc34
Old package:  python-botocore-1.19.43-1.fc34
Summary:      Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3
RPMs:         python3-botocore
Size:         3.94 MiB
Size change:  1.33 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Gwyn Ciesla <gw...@protonmail.com> - 1.19.44-1
  - 1.19.44

Package:      python-cle-9.0.5171-1.fc34
Old package:  python-cle-9.0.5034-1.fc34
Summary:      Python interface for analyzing binary formats
RPMs:         python3-cle
Size:         236.89 KiB
Size change:  141 B
  * Sun Dec 27 2020 Fabian Affolter <m...@fabian-affolter.ch> - 9.0.5171-1
  - Update to latest upstream release 9.0.5171 (#1905654)

Package:      python-diff-cover-4.0.1-1.fc34
Old package:  python-diff-cover-3.0.0-2.fc33
Summary:      Automatically find diff lines that need test coverage
RPMs:         python3-diff-cover
Size:         70.87 KiB
Size change:  -617 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Kevin Fenzi <ke...@scrye.com> - 4.0.1-1
  - Update to 4.0.1. RHBZ#1898113
  - Fix FTBFS RHBZ#1898113

Package:      python-eyed3-0.9.6-1.fc34
Old package:  python-eyed3-0.9.5-1.fc34
Summary:      Python audio data toolkit (ID3 and MP3)
RPMs:         python3-eyed3
Size:         282.82 KiB
Size change:  1.79 KiB
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 David King <amigad...@amigadave.com> - 0.9.6-1
  - Update to 0.9.6

Package:      python-pikepdf-2.2.4-1.fc34
Old package:  python-pikepdf-2.2.2-1.fc34
Summary:      Read and write PDFs with Python, powered by qpdf
RPMs:         python-pikepdf-doc python3-pikepdf
Size:         8.11 MiB
Size change:  4.39 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.anal...@gmail.com> - 
  - Update to latest version (#1911403)

  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.anal...@gmail.com> - 
  - Update to latest version (#1911403)

Package:      python-pygit2-1.4.0-1.fc34
Old package:  python-pygit2-1.3.0-1.fc34
Summary:      Python bindings for libgit2
RPMs:         python-pygit2-doc python3-pygit2
Size:         3.64 MiB
Size change:  3.70 KiB
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.4.0-1
  - Update to 1.4.0

Package:      python-sphinxcontrib-bibtex-2.1.1-1.fc34
Old package:  python-sphinxcontrib-bibtex-2.0.0-1.fc34
Summary:      Sphinx extension for BibTeX style citations
RPMs:         python-sphinxcontrib-bibtex-doc python3-sphinxcontrib-bibtex
Size:         227.90 KiB
Size change:  5.81 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Jerry James <loganje...@gmail.com> - 2.1.1-1
  - Version 2.1.1
  - Drop orderedset dependency and patch

Package:      qmapshack-1.15.0-5.fc34
Old package:  qmapshack-1.15.0-4.fc34
Summary:      GPS mapping and management tool
RPMs:         qmapshack qmaptool
Size:         115.44 MiB
Size change:  -3.08 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Sandro Mani <manisan...@gmail.com> - 1.15.0-5
  - Rebuild (alglib)

Package:      rpm-git-tag-sort-1.0-2.fc34
Old package:  rpm-git-tag-sort-1.0-1.fc34
Summary:      Sorts merged git annotated tags according to topology and rpm 
version sorting.
RPMs:         rpm-git-tag-sort
Size:         109.92 KiB
Size change:  536 B
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.0-2
  - Rebuild for libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      rubygem-rspec-core-3.10.1-1.fc34
Old package:  rubygem-rspec-core-3.10.0-1.fc34
Summary:      RSpec runner and formatters
RPMs:         rubygem-rspec-core rubygem-rspec-core-doc
Size:         867.49 KiB
Size change:  -130 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Mamoru TASAKA <mtas...@fedoraproject.org> - 3.10.1-1
  - 3.10.1

Package:      rubygem-rspec-expectations-3.10.1-1.fc34
Old package:  rubygem-rspec-expectations-3.10.0-1.fc34
Summary:      RSpec expectations (should and matchers)
RPMs:         rubygem-rspec-expectations rubygem-rspec-expectations-doc
Size:         591.69 KiB
Size change:  -127 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Mamoru TASAKA <mtas...@fedoraproject.org> - 3.10.1-1
  - 3.10.1

Package:      rubygem-rspec-mocks-3.10.1-1.fc34
Old package:  rubygem-rspec-mocks-3.10.0-1.fc34
Summary:      RSpec's 'test double' framework (mocks and stubs)
RPMs:         rubygem-rspec-mocks rubygem-rspec-mocks-doc
Size:         584.46 KiB
Size change:  360 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Mamoru TASAKA <mtas...@fedoraproject.org> - 3.10.1-1
  - 3.10.1

Package:      rubygem-rspec-support-3.10.1-1.fc34
Old package:  rubygem-rspec-support-3.10.0-1.fc34
Summary:      Common functionality to Rspec series
RPMs:         rubygem-rspec-support rubygem-rspec-support-doc
Size:         368.37 KiB
Size change:  47 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Mamoru TASAKA <mtas...@fedoraproject.org> - 3.10.1-1
  - 3.10.1

Package:      rubygem-rugged-1.1.0-1.fc34
Old package:  rubygem-rugged-1.0.0-2.fc33
Summary:      Rugged is a Ruby binding to the libgit2 library
RPMs:         rubygem-rugged rubygem-rugged-doc
Size:         1.03 MiB
Size change:  -293 B
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.1.0-1
  - Update to 1.1.0

Package:      rubygem-ttfunk-1.7.0-1.fc34
Old package:  rubygem-ttfunk-
Summary:      Font Metrics Parser for Prawn
RPMs:         rubygem-ttfunk rubygem-ttfunk-doc
Size:         495.17 KiB
Size change:  414 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Christopher Brown <chris.br...@redhat.com> - 1.7.0-1
  - Update to 1.7.0

Package:      rust-1.48.0-3.fc34
Old package:  rust-1.48.0-1.fc34
Summary:      The Rust Programming Language
RPMs:         cargo cargo-doc clippy rls rust rust-analysis 
rust-debugger-common rust-doc rust-gdb rust-lldb rust-src rust-std-static 
Size:         458.27 MiB
Size change:  42.38 KiB
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.48.0-2
  - Rebuild for libgit2 1.1.x

  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.48.0-3
  - De-bootstrap

Package:      rust-anyhow-1.0.37-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-anyhow-1.0.36-1.fc34
Summary:      Flexible concrete Error type built on std::error::Error
RPMs:         rust-anyhow+default-devel rust-anyhow+std-devel rust-anyhow-devel
Size:         53.76 KiB
Size change:  776 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> - 1.0.37-1
  - Update to version 1.0.37.
  - Fixes RHBZ#1911354

Package:      rust-bat-0.17.1-3.fc34
Old package:  rust-bat-0.17.1-2.fc34
Summary:      cat(1) clone with wings
RPMs:         bat rust-bat+application-devel rust-bat+atty-devel 
rust-bat+clap-devel rust-bat+default-devel rust-bat+dirs-devel 
rust-bat+git-devel rust-bat+git2-devel rust-bat+lazy_static-devel 
rust-bat+paging-devel rust-bat+regex-onig-devel rust-bat+shell-words-devel 
rust-bat+wild-devel rust-bat-devel
Size:         10.09 MiB
Size change:  2.03 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.17.1-3
  - Rebuild against libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      rust-cargo-c-0.6.18-2.fc34
Old package:  rust-cargo-c-0.6.18-1.fc34
Summary:      Helper program to build and install c-like libraries
RPMs:         cargo-c rust-cargo-c+default-devel rust-cargo-c-devel
Size:         66.90 MiB
Size change:  80.79 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.6.18-2
  - Rebuild against libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      rust-exa-0.9.0-14.fc34
Old package:  rust-exa-0.9.0-13.fc34
Summary:      Modern replacement for ls
RPMs:         exa
Size:         1.96 MiB
Size change:  77.49 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.9.0-14
  - Rebuild against libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      rust-git-delta-0.4.5-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-git-delta-0.4.4-1.fc34
Summary:      Syntax-highlighting pager for git
RPMs:         git-delta
Size:         7.95 MiB
Size change:  118.31 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.4.4-2
  - Rebuild against libgit2 1.1.x

  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.4.5-1
  - Update to 0.4.5 (Fixes: RHBZ#1910300)

Package:      rust-git2-0.13.15-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-git2-0.13.12-1.fc34
Summary:      Bindings to libgit2 for interoperating with git repositories
RPMs:         rust-git2+default-devel rust-git2+https-devel 
rust-git2+openssl-probe-devel rust-git2+openssl-sys-devel rust-git2+ssh-devel 
rust-git2+ssh_key_from_memory-devel rust-git2+unstable-devel rust-git2-devel
Size:         218.29 KiB
Size change:  4.79 KiB
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.13.14-1
  - Update to 0.13.14 (Fixes: RHBZ#1909219)

  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.13.15-1
  - Update to 0.13.15 (Fixes: RHBZ#1909219)

Package:      rust-gitui-0.11.0-2.fc34
Old package:  rust-gitui-0.11.0-1.fc34
Summary:      Blazing fast terminal-ui for git
RPMs:         gitui
Size:         5.15 MiB
Size change:  5.46 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.11.0-2
  - Rebuild against libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      rust-gstreamer-video-0.16.6-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-gstreamer-video-0.16.5-1.fc34
Summary:      Rust bindings for GStreamer Video library
RPMs:         rust-gstreamer-video+default-devel rust-gstreamer-video+dox-devel 
rust-gstreamer-video+v1_10-devel rust-gstreamer-video+v1_12-devel 
rust-gstreamer-video+v1_14-devel rust-gstreamer-video+v1_16-devel 
rust-gstreamer-video+v1_18-devel rust-gstreamer-video-devel
Size:         137.57 KiB
Size change:  1.79 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> - 0.16.6-1
  - Update to version 0.16.6.
  - Fixes RHBZ#1909535

Package:      rust-handlebars-3.5.2-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-handlebars-3.5.1-2.fc34
Summary:      Handlebars templating implemented in Rust
RPMs:         handlebars rust-handlebars+default-devel 
rust-handlebars+dir_source-devel rust-handlebars+no_logging-devel 
rust-handlebars+walkdir-devel rust-handlebars-devel
Size:         1.73 MiB
Size change:  291 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 3.5.2-1
  - Update to 3.5.2 (Fixes: RHBZ#1911452)

Package:      rust-libgit2-sys-0.12.17-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-libgit2-sys-0.12.14-1.fc34
Summary:      Native bindings to the libgit2 library
RPMs:         rust-libgit2-sys+default-devel rust-libgit2-sys+https-devel 
rust-libgit2-sys+libssh2-sys-devel rust-libgit2-sys+openssl-sys-devel 
rust-libgit2-sys+ssh-devel rust-libgit2-sys+ssh_key_from_memory-devel 
Size:         91.69 KiB
Size change:  1.07 KiB
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.12.16-1
  - Update to 0.12.16 (Fixes: RHBZ#1909222)

  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.12.17-1
  - Update to 0.12.17 (Fixes: RHBZ#1909222)

Package:      rust-libpulse-binding-2.22.0-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-libpulse-binding-2.19.0-1.fc34
Summary:      Rust language binding for the PulseAudio libpulse library
RPMs:         rust-libpulse-binding+default-devel 
rust-libpulse-binding+pa_v12-devel rust-libpulse-binding+pa_v13-devel 
rust-libpulse-binding+pa_v14-devel rust-libpulse-binding+pa_v5-devel 
rust-libpulse-binding+pa_v6-devel rust-libpulse-binding+pa_v8-devel 
Dropped RPMs: rust-libpulse-binding+dox-devel 
Size:         173.06 KiB
Size change:  -13.57 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> - 2.22.0-1
  - Update to version 2.22.0.
  - Fixes RHBZ#1907708

Package:      rust-libpulse-sys-1.17.0-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-libpulse-sys-1.15.3-1.fc34
Summary:      FFI bindings for the PulseAudio libpulse system library
RPMs:         rust-libpulse-sys+default-devel rust-libpulse-sys+pa_v12-devel 
rust-libpulse-sys+pa_v13-devel rust-libpulse-sys+pa_v14-devel 
rust-libpulse-sys+pa_v5-devel rust-libpulse-sys+pa_v6-devel 
rust-libpulse-sys+pa_v8-devel rust-libpulse-sys-devel
Dropped RPMs: rust-libpulse-sys+dox-devel rust-libpulse-sys+pa_latest-devel 
Size:         102.78 KiB
Size change:  -23.48 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> - 1.17.0-1
  - Update to version 1.17.0.
  - Fixes RHBZ#1907709

Package:      rust-openssl-0.10.32-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-openssl-0.10.31-1.fc34
Summary:      OpenSSL bindings
RPMs:         rust-openssl+default-devel rust-openssl+v101-devel 
rust-openssl+v102-devel rust-openssl+v110-devel rust-openssl+v111-devel 
Size:         220.12 KiB
Size change:  3.05 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> - 0.10.32-1
  - Update to version 0.10.32.
  - Fixes RHBZ#1910764

Package:      rust-openssl-sys-0.9.60-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-openssl-sys-0.9.59-1.fc34
Summary:      FFI bindings to OpenSSL
RPMs:         rust-openssl-sys+default-devel rust-openssl-sys-devel
Size:         68.53 KiB
Size change:  467 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> - 0.9.60-1
  - Update to version 0.9.60.
  - Fixes RHBZ#1910765

Package:      rust-parking_lot_core-0.8.2-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-parking_lot_core-0.8.1-1.fc34
Summary:      Advanced API for creating custom synchronization primitives
RPMs:         rust-parking_lot_core+backtrace-devel 
rust-parking_lot_core+default-devel rust-parking_lot_core+nightly-devel 
rust-parking_lot_core+petgraph-devel rust-parking_lot_core+thread-id-devel 
Size:         92.28 KiB
Size change:  285 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> - 0.8.2-1
  - Update to version 0.8.2.
  - Fixes RHBZ#1909858

Package:      rust-predicates-1.0.6-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-predicates-1.0.5-1.fc34
Summary:      Implementation of boolean-valued predicate functions
RPMs:         rust-predicates+default-devel rust-predicates+difference-devel 
rust-predicates+float-cmp-devel rust-predicates+normalize-line-endings-devel 
rust-predicates+regex-devel rust-predicates+unstable-devel rust-predicates-devel
Size:         81.71 KiB
Size change:  985 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> - 1.0.6-1
  - Update to version 1.0.6.
  - Fixes RHBZ#1911389

Package:      rust-predicates-core-1.0.1-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-predicates-core-1.0.0-3.fc33
Summary:      API for boolean-valued predicate functions
RPMs:         rust-predicates-core+default-devel rust-predicates-core-devel
Size:         24.74 KiB
Size change:  374 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> - 1.0.1-1
  - Update to version 1.0.1.
  - Fixes RHBZ#1911388

Package:      rust-predicates-tree-1.0.1-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-predicates-tree-1.0.0-3.fc33
Summary:      Render boolean-valued predicate functions results as a tree
RPMs:         rust-predicates-tree+default-devel rust-predicates-tree-devel
Size:         23.11 KiB
Size change:  378 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> - 1.0.1-1
  - Update to version 1.0.1.
  - Fixes RHBZ#1911390

Package:      rust-pretty-git-prompt-0.2.1-6.fc34
Old package:  rust-pretty-git-prompt-0.2.1-5.fc34
Summary:      Your current git repository information inside a beautiful shell 
RPMs:         pretty-git-prompt
Size:         2.12 MiB
Size change:  1.87 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.2.1-6
  - Rebuild against libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      rust-ref-cast-1.0.6-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-ref-cast-1.0.5-1.fc34
Summary:      Safely cast &T to &U where the struct U contains a single field 
of type T
RPMs:         rust-ref-cast+default-devel rust-ref-cast-devel
Size:         28.50 KiB
Size change:  1.07 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.0.6-1
  - Update to 1.0.6 (Fixes: RHBZ#1911514)

Package:      rust-ref-cast-impl-1.0.6-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-ref-cast-impl-1.0.5-1.fc34
Summary:      Derive implementation for ref_cast::RefCast
RPMs:         rust-ref-cast-impl+default-devel rust-ref-cast-impl-devel
Size:         23.48 KiB
Size change:  137 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.0.6-1
  - Update to 1.0.6 (Fixes: RHBZ#1911513)

Package:      rust-ron-0.6.4-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-ron-0.6.2-1.fc34
Summary:      Rusty Object Notation
RPMs:         rust-ron+default-devel rust-ron+indexmap-devel rust-ron-devel
Size:         68.07 KiB
Size change:  404 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> - 0.6.4-1
  - Update to version 0.6.4.
  - Fixes RHBZ#1908993

Package:      rust-serde_json-1.0.61-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-serde_json-1.0.60-1.fc34
Summary:      JSON serialization file format
RPMs:         rust-serde_json+alloc-devel 
rust-serde_json+arbitrary_precision-devel rust-serde_json+default-devel 
rust-serde_json+float_roundtrip-devel rust-serde_json+indexmap-devel 
rust-serde_json+preserve_order-devel rust-serde_json+raw_value-devel 
rust-serde_json+std-devel rust-serde_json+unbounded_depth-devel 
Size:         199.52 KiB
Size change:  1.22 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> - 1.0.61-1
  - Update to version 1.0.61.
  - Fixes RHBZ#1911352

Package:      rust-silver-1.1.0-13.fc34
Old package:  rust-silver-1.1.0-12.fc34
Summary:      Cross-shell customizable powerline-like prompt with icons
RPMs:         silver
Size:         4.08 MiB
Size change:  -2.63 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.1.0-13
  - Rebuild against libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      rust-smawk-0.3.0-2.fc34
Old package:  rust-smawk-0.3.0-1.fc34
Summary:      Functions for finding row-minima in a totally monotone matrix
RPMs:         rust-smawk+default-devel rust-smawk-devel
Dropped RPMs: rust-smawk+ndarray-devel
Size:         28.92 KiB
Size change:  -6.97 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.3.0-1
  - Drop ndarray feature due to the broken deps

Package:      rust-starship-0.47.0-3.fc34
Old package:  rust-starship-0.47.0-2.fc34
Summary:      Minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any 
shell! ??????????
RPMs:         rust-starship+attohttpc-devel rust-starship+battery-devel 
rust-starship+default-devel rust-starship+http-devel 
rust-starship+notify-rust-devel rust-starship-devel starship
Size:         7.83 MiB
Size change:  1.12 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.47.0-3
  - Rebuild against libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      rust-syn-mid-0.5.2-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-syn-mid-0.5.1-1.fc34
Summary:      Providing the features between "full" and "derive" of syn
RPMs:         rust-syn-mid+clone-impls-devel rust-syn-mid+default-devel 
Size:         36.98 KiB
Size change:  30 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.5.2-1
  - Update to 0.5.2 (Fixes: RHBZ#1911482)

Package:      rust-zoxide-0.5.0-1.fc34
Old package:  rust-zoxide-0.4.3-2.fc34
Summary:      Faster way to navigate your filesystem
RPMs:         zoxide
Size:         2.08 MiB
Size change:  39.53 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 0.5.0-1
  - Update to 0.5.0 (Fixes: RHBZ#1893357)

Package:      termy-server-1.1.4-9.fc34
Old package:  termy-server-1.1.4-8.fc34
Summary:      TermySequence terminal multiplexer server
RPMs:         termy-server
Size:         1.70 MiB
Size change:  -3.92 KiB
  * Mon Dec 28 2020 Igor Raits <ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> - 1.1.4-9
  - Rebuild for libgit2 1.1.x

Package:      ucs-miscfixed-fonts-0.3-24.fc34
Old package:  ucs-miscfixed-fonts-0.3-23.fc33
Summary:      Selected set of bitmap fonts
RPMs:         ucs-miscfixed-fonts ucs-miscfixed-opentype-fonts
Size:         629.83 KiB
Size change:  112 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Peng Wu <p...@redhat.com> - 0.3-24
  - Rebuilt with fonttosfnt 1.2.1

Package:      vertica-python-1.0.1-1.fc34
Old package:  vertica-python-0.10.3-3.fc33
Summary:      A native Python adapter for the Vertica database
RPMs:         python3-vertica
Size:         173.67 KiB
Size change:  18.29 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Jakub Jedelsky <jakub.jedel...@gmail.com> - 1.0.1
  - Bump to new version

Package:      wangle-2020.12.28.00-1.fc34
Old package:  wangle-2020.12.21.00-1.fc34
Summary:      Framework for building services in a 
consistent/modular/composable way
RPMs:         wangle wangle-devel wangle-static
Size:         3.02 MiB
Size change:  4.89 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Michel Alexandre Salim <sali...@fedoraproject.org> - 
  - Update to 2020.12.28.00

Package:      watchman-2020.12.28.00-1.fc34
Old package:  watchman-2020.12.21.00-1.fc34
Summary:      File alteration monitoring service
RPMs:         python3-pywatchman watchman
Size:         2.34 MiB
Size change:  444 B
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Michel Alexandre Salim <sali...@fedoraproject.org> - 
  - Update to 2020.12.28.00

Package:      webtech-1.2.9-1.fc34
Old package:  webtech-1.2.8-1.fc33
Summary:      Tool to identify technologies used on websites
RPMs:         webtech
Size:         123.95 KiB
Size change:  1.19 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Fabian Affolter <m...@fabian-affolter.ch> - 1.2.9-1
  - Update to latest upstream release 1.2.9

Package:      wmbusmeters-1.0.4-2.fc34
Old package:  wmbusmeters-0.9.35-1.fc34
Summary:      Read the wireless mbus protocol to acquire utility meter readings
RPMs:         wmbusmeters
Size:         1.77 MiB
Size change:  349.38 KiB
  * Tue Sep 08 2020 Damian Wrobel <dwro...@ertelnet.rybnik.pl> - 0.9.36-1
  - Update to the latest available version

  * Sat Oct 31 2020 Damian Wrobel <dwro...@ertelnet.rybnik.pl> - 0.9.36-2
  - Allows to build non-released versions

  * Mon Dec 07 2020 Damian Wrobel <dwro...@ertelnet.rybnik.pl> - 1.0.4-1
  - Update to the latest available version

  * Tue Dec 22 2020 Damian Wrobel <dwro...@ertelnet.rybnik.pl> - 1.0.4-2
  - Switch (as per upstream) to non template unit file

Package:      xcircuit-3.10.30-1.fc34
Old package:  xcircuit-3.10.29-1.fc34
Summary:      Electronic circuit schematic drawing program
RPMs:         xcircuit
Size:         3.12 MiB
Size change:  -53.18 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 Mamoru TASAKA <mtas...@fedoraproject.org> - 3.10.30-1
  - 3.10.30

Package:      youtube-dl-2020.12.29-1.fc34
Old package:  youtube-dl-2020.12.22-1.fc34
Summary:      A small command-line program to download online videos
RPMs:         youtube-dl
Size:         2.33 MiB
Size change:  5.69 KiB
  * Tue Dec 29 2020 David Schw??rer <david...@fedoraproject.org> - 2020.12.29-1
  - Update to 2020.12.29

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