The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will fail to install and/or build when the affected package gets 

Request package ownership via the *Take* button in he left column on<pkgname>

Full report available at:
grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain.

For human readable dependency chains,
For all orphaned packages,

            Package                      (co)maintainers           Status Change
adf-accanthis-fonts               orphan                           0 weeks ago
arduino-builder                   orphan                           1 weeks ago
arp-scan                          moceap, orphan, xmrbrz           0 weeks ago
balance                           lbazan, orphan                   0 weeks ago
bareftp                           chreide, orphan                  0 weeks ago
bind-to-tinydns                   orphan, timj                     0 weeks ago
bucardo                           lbazan, orphan                   0 weeks ago
bugzilla                          eseyman, orphan                  0 weeks ago
cri-tools                         dwalsh, fkluknav, lsm5,          0 weeks ago
                                  orphan, umohnani
ctorrent                          orphan                           0 weeks ago
dianara                           orphan                           0 weeks ago
drehatlas-warender-bibliothek-    orphan                           0 weeks ago
drehatlas-widelands-fonts         orphan                           0 weeks ago
drehatlas-xaporho-fonts           orphan                           0 weeks ago
eclipse-cdt                       akurtakov, eclipse-sig,          4 weeks ago
                                  jjohnstn, kdaniel, orphan,
eclipse-pydev                     eclipse-sig, jjohnstn, orphan    3 weeks ago
eclipse-remote                    eclipse-sig, orphan              5 weeks ago
ez-ipupdate                       abo, jlayton, orphan             0 weeks ago
felix-bundlerepository            mizdebsk, orphan                 2 weeks ago
geronimo-jcdi-1.1-api             orphan                           2 weeks ago
geronimo-validation               orphan                           2 weeks ago
git-up                            orphan                           2 weeks ago
glom                              orphan                           1 weeks ago
golang-gvisor                     eclipseo, elmarco, orphan        3 weeks ago
goocanvasmm                       orphan                           1 weeks ago
goocanvasmm2                      orphan                           1 weeks ago
gstreamermm                       orphan                           1 weeks ago
httpunit                          fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan        0 weeks ago
ifstat                            orphan                           0 weeks ago
jfsutils                          fcami, orphan                    0 weeks ago
jmdns                             mizdebsk, orphan                 1 weeks ago
jnr-enxio                         jjohnstn, orphan, rgrunber       5 weeks ago
jnr-unixsocket                    jjohnstn, orphan, rgrunber       5 weeks ago
jomolhari-fonts                   orphan, pnemade                  0 weeks ago
jython                            akurtakov, dmalcolm,             3 weeks ago
                                  jmatthews, lkundrak, orphan,
kanjistrokeorders-fonts           orphan                           0 weeks ago
knemo                             nucleo, orphan, rdieter,         0 weeks ago
krb5-auth-dialog                  alexl, caolanm, gnome-sig,       0 weeks ago
                                  mbarnes, orphan, rhughes,
                                  rstrode, simo, ssp
lcm                               dcallagh, mrunge, nmarques,      3 weeks ago
libglademm24                      orphan                           1 weeks ago
libinfinity                       orphan                           1 weeks ago
libmirage                         orphan                           0 weeks ago
libmypaint2                       orphan                           5 weeks ago
libnotifymm                       orphan                           1 weeks ago
libss7                            jsmith, orphan                   0 weeks ago
mydns                             orphan                           0 weeks ago
netty                             mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
nload                             cicku, fab, fale, orphan         0 weeks ago
ocaml-merlin                      orphan                           2 weeks ago
opendbx                           orphan                           0 weeks ago
opendmarc                         orphan                           0 weeks ago
os-maven-plugin                   mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
pen                               cicku, danniel, orphan           0 weeks ago
perl-DBIx-Safe                    orphan                           0 weeks ago
perl-pgsql_perl5                  orphan                           0 weeks ago
pg_activity                       orphan                           0 weeks ago
pg_top                            orphan                           0 weeks ago
php-pecl-ssh2                     orphan, remi                     0 weeks ago
pidgin-logviewer                  orphan                           2 weeks ago
plotmm                            orphan                           1 weeks ago
pokerth                           orphan                           0 weeks ago
puppetlabs-stdlib                 gchamoul, orphan                 3 weeks ago
python-django-registration        orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-fastapi                    orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-flask-assets               orphan, pjp, sundaram            2 weeks ago
python-flask-babelex              devrim, orphan                   0 weeks ago
python-flask-gravatar             devrim, orphan                   0 weeks ago
python-flask-htmlmin              devrim, orphan                   0 weeks ago
python-flask-mail                 devrim, orphan                   0 weeks ago
python-flask-migrate              jkaluza, orphan, ralph           0 weeks ago
python-flask-oauth                orphan, pjp, sundaram            2 weeks ago
python-flask-paranoid             devrim, orphan                   0 weeks ago
python-flask-pymongo              orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-flask-security             devrim, orphan                   0 weeks ago
python-flask-sphinx-themes        devrim, orphan                   0 weeks ago
python-jose                       orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-pg8000                     fab, orphan                      0 weeks ago
python-pgspecial                  orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-ryu                        orphan, slaweq                   5 weeks ago
python-setuptools_hg              orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-shadowsocks                orphan                           1 weeks ago
python-sshtunnel                  orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-starlette                  orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-vcversioner                fab, orphan                      0 weeks ago
python-webassets                  dcallagh, orphan, pjp,           2 weeks ago
qroneko                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
redir                             orphan                           0 weeks ago
reiserfs-utils                    cicku, orphan                    0 weeks ago
ripmime                           orphan, xavierb                  0 weeks ago
rubygem-fog-aws                   orphan                           4 weeks ago
rubygem-oauth                     mmorsi, orphan                   4 weeks ago
simple-jndi                       orphan                           2 weeks ago
sofia-sip                         orphan                           0 weeks ago
squirrelmail                      orphan                           4 weeks ago
sumwars                           orphan                           0 weeks ago
swt-chart                         orphan                           4 weeks ago
sylpheed                          cicku, cwickert, orphan,         0 weeks ago
tibetan-machine-uni-fonts         orphan                           0 weeks ago
tlomt-junction-fonts              orphan                           0 weeks ago
tmw-music                         orphan                           2 weeks ago
tomcat-taglibs-parent             orphan                           5 weeks ago
trac-batchmodify-plugin           orphan                           3 weeks ago
trac-navadd-plugin                orphan                           3 weeks ago
trac-themeengine-plugin           orphan                           3 weeks ago
trac-tocmacro-plugin              orphan                           3 weeks ago
trac-vatar-plugin                 orphan                           3 weeks ago
trac-workflowadmin-plugin         orphan                           3 weeks ago
transmission-remote-gtk           orphan, tingping                 2 weeks ago
ttyd                              orphan                           0 weeks ago
ubuntu-title-fonts                orphan                           0 weeks ago
usbview                           orphan                           0 weeks ago
vollkorn-fonts                    orphan                           0 weeks ago
wput                              orphan                           0 weeks ago
xmlrpc                            kdaniel, mizdebsk, orphan        3 weeks ago
xmonad-log-applet                 dcallagh, orphan                 3 weeks ago
yanone-tagesschrift-fonts         orphan                           0 weeks ago
ytnef                             orphan, sheltren                 0 weeks ago

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Report too long, see the full version at

See dependency chains of your packages at
See all orphaned packages at

Affected (co)maintainers (either directly or via packages' dependencies):
aarem: sylpheed
abbra: tomcat-taglibs-parent
abo: ez-ipupdate
ajax: jomolhari-fonts
akien: tomcat-taglibs-parent
akurtakov: netty, eclipse-cdt, tomcat-taglibs-parent, jython, eclipse-remote, os-maven-plugin
alexl: jomolhari-fonts, krb5-auth-dialog, ytnef
alexlan: perl-pgsql_perl5, tomcat-taglibs-parent
almac: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
andymenderunix: drehatlas-widelands-fonts
arobinso: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
asn: ytnef
asrob: php-pecl-ssh2
atim: gstreamermm
avsej: tomcat-taglibs-parent
berrange: jomolhari-fonts
besser82: jomolhari-fonts
bkabrda: python-flask-migrate
breilly: python-flask-migrate
brouhaha: tomcat-taglibs-parent
bruno: gstreamermm, tomcat-taglibs-parent
caillon: jomolhari-fonts, ytnef
caniszczyk: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
caolanm: jomolhari-fonts, krb5-auth-dialog, ytnef
cfu: tomcat-taglibs-parent
cheese: tomcat-taglibs-parent
chreide: bareftp
churchyard: netty, jmdns, arduino-builder, jython, os-maven-plugin
cicku: sylpheed, reiserfs-utils, tomcat-taglibs-parent, nload, pen
cipherboy: tomcat-taglibs-parent
clumens: tomcat-taglibs-parent
coolsvap: tomcat-taglibs-parent
cqi: python-flask-migrate, python-jose
csutherl: tomcat-taglibs-parent
cverna: python-flask-migrate
cwickert: sylpheed, libglademm24, ytnef
cycloptivity: php-pecl-ssh2
danniel: pen
dbhole: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
dcallagh: lcm, xmonad-log-applet, python-webassets
dciabrin: tomcat-taglibs-parent
deamn: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
deji: tomcat-taglibs-parent
devrim: python-flask-sphinx-themes, python-flask-gravatar, python-flask-paranoid, python-flask-security, python-flask-babelex, perl-pgsql_perl5, python-flask-htmlmin, python-flask-mail
dmalcolm: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
dmoluguw: tomcat-taglibs-parent
dominik: tomcat-taglibs-parent
dwalsh: cri-tools
dwmw2: opendmarc, ytnef
dwrobel: tomcat-taglibs-parent
ebaron: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
eclipse-sig: netty, eclipse-cdt, xmlrpc, eclipse-pydev, jython, eclipse-remote, os-maven-plugin
eclipseo: golang-gvisor, tomcat-taglibs-parent
edewata: tomcat-taglibs-parent
elmarco: golang-gvisor
elxreno: netty, jmdns, arduino-builder, jython, os-maven-plugin
eseyman: bugzilla, jomolhari-fonts
evgenyz: jomolhari-fonts
fab: tomcat-taglibs-parent, nload, python-pg8000, python-vcversioner, perl-pgsql_perl5
fale: nload
fcami: jfsutils, tomcat-taglibs-parent
filabrazilska: jomolhari-fonts
filiperosset: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
fivaldi: python-flask-migrate
fkluknav: cri-tools
fnasser: httpunit
fsimonce: tomcat-taglibs-parent
fujiwara: tomcat-taglibs-parent
galileo: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
gchamoul: puppetlabs-stdlib
gil: tomcat-taglibs-parent
gnaponie: python-flask-migrate
gnome-sig: jomolhari-fonts, krb5-auth-dialog
greghellings: tomcat-taglibs-parent
helloworld1: tomcat-taglibs-parent
hhorak: tomcat-taglibs-parent
huwang: tomcat-taglibs-parent
hvad: jomolhari-fonts
infra-sig: jomolhari-fonts
ipa-maint: tomcat-taglibs-parent
jcerny: jomolhari-fonts
jerboaa: jython, netty, tomcat-taglibs-parent, os-maven-plugin
jfearn: tomcat-taglibs-parent
jfilak: jnr-unixsocket, jnr-enxio
jhrozek: tomcat-taglibs-parent
jjelen: tomcat-taglibs-parent
jjohnstn: netty, eclipse-cdt, xmlrpc, eclipse-pydev, jnr-enxio, jython, jnr-unixsocket, eclipse-remote, os-maven-plugin
jkaluza: python-flask-migrate
jkang: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
jlayton: ez-ipupdate
jmatthews: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
jmlich: perl-pgsql_perl5
jorton: tomcat-taglibs-parent
jplesnik: jomolhari-fonts
jpokorny: tomcat-taglibs-parent
jreznik: kanjistrokeorders-fonts
jskarvad: opendmarc
jsmith: php-pecl-ssh2, libss7
jvanek: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
jwrdegoede: drehatlas-widelands-fonts, tomcat-taglibs-parent
kalev: python-flask-migrate
kdaniel: netty, eclipse-cdt, xmlrpc, tomcat-taglibs-parent, jython, eclipse-remote, os-maven-plugin
kde-sig: kanjistrokeorders-fonts
kevin: jomolhari-fonts
kwenning: tomcat-taglibs-parent
kwright: tomcat-taglibs-parent
laxathom: tomcat-taglibs-parent
lbazan: perl-DBIx-Safe, balance, bucardo
lef: jython, netty, tomcat-taglibs-parent, os-maven-plugin
lennart: libglademm24
lholecek: python-flask-migrate
liangsuilong: jomolhari-fonts, tomcat-taglibs-parent
limb: tomcat-taglibs-parent
linkdupont: tomcat-taglibs-parent
lkundrak: netty, tomcat-taglibs-parent, jython, jomolhari-fonts, os-maven-plugin
lon: tomcat-taglibs-parent
lsedlar: python-flask-migrate
lsm5: cri-tools
lucarval: python-flask-migrate
lucilanga: ytnef
matyc: jomolhari-fonts
maxamillion: perl-pgsql_perl5, python-flask-migrate
mayorga: perl-pgsql_perl5
mbarabas: jomolhari-fonts
mbarnes: jomolhari-fonts, krb5-auth-dialog, ytnef
mbayer: tomcat-taglibs-parent
mbooth: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
mcrha: ytnef
mdomsch: opendbx
meeuw: python-pgspecial
mharmsen: tomcat-taglibs-parent
mikem: python-flask-migrate
mizdebsk: netty, jmdns, xmlrpc, tomcat-taglibs-parent, httpunit, felix-bundlerepository, os-maven-plugin, jython
mkosek: tomcat-taglibs-parent
mlichvar: tomcat-taglibs-parent
mlysonek: jomolhari-fonts
mmarhefk: jomolhari-fonts
mmorsi: rubygem-oauth
moceap: tomcat-taglibs-parent, arp-scan
mprahl: python-flask-migrate
mrunge: lcm
mschorm: tomcat-taglibs-parent
mschwendt: ytnef
mskalick: tomcat-taglibs-parent
nmarques: lcm
nphilipp: drehatlas-widelands-fonts, tomcat-taglibs-parent
nucleo: knemo
oget: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
oliver: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
omajid: tomcat-taglibs-parent
otaylor: python-flask-migrate
panovotn: tomcat-taglibs-parent
patches: netty, jmdns, arduino-builder, jython, os-maven-plugin
pcpa: python-flask-sphinx-themes, tomcat-taglibs-parent
perl-maint-sig: jomolhari-fonts
peter: jython, netty, tomcat-taglibs-parent, os-maven-plugin
pfrields: php-pecl-ssh2
pingou: jomolhari-fonts
pjp: python-flask-assets, python-flask-oauth, python-webassets
pkubat: perl-pgsql_perl5
pmackinn: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
pnemade: jomolhari-fonts
ppisar: jomolhari-fonts
praiskup: perl-pgsql_perl5
pvoborni: tomcat-taglibs-parent
pvrabec: jomolhari-fonts
pwalter: tomcat-taglibs-parent
pwu: tomcat-taglibs-parent
qwan: python-flask-migrate
ralph: python-flask-migrate, jomolhari-fonts
rathann: gstreamermm
rcritten: tomcat-taglibs-parent
rdieter: kanjistrokeorders-fonts, knemo
remi: php-pecl-ssh2
rgrunber: netty, eclipse-cdt, jnr-enxio, jython, jnr-unixsocket, eclipse-remote, os-maven-plugin
rhughes: jomolhari-fonts, krb5-auth-dialog, ytnef
richardfearn: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
rjones: jomolhari-fonts, tomcat-taglibs-parent
rlandmann: tomcat-taglibs-parent
rmattes: libglademm24, tomcat-taglibs-parent
robmv: jomolhari-fonts
rstrode: jomolhari-fonts, krb5-auth-dialog, ytnef
russellb: libss7
s4504kr: tomcat-taglibs-parent
sagitter: tomcat-taglibs-parent
salimma: ytnef
sasiddiq: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
scenek: jomolhari-fonts
sdodson: php-pecl-ssh2
sergiomb: jomolhari-fonts
sharkcz: sylpheed
sheltren: ytnef
simo: krb5-auth-dialog, tomcat-taglibs-parent
siwinski: php-pecl-ssh2
slaweq: python-ryu
smani: perl-pgsql_perl5, tomcat-taglibs-parent
spike: tomcat-taglibs-parent
spot: netty, jmdns, tomcat-taglibs-parent, arduino-builder, jython, jomolhari-fonts, os-maven-plugin
ssp: jomolhari-fonts, krb5-auth-dialog, ytnef
sundaram: python-flask-assets, python-flask-oauth, python-webassets
suve: tomcat-taglibs-parent
tagoh: jomolhari-fonts
terjeros: jython, netty, os-maven-plugin
teuf: tomcat-taglibs-parent
than: kanjistrokeorders-fonts
thm: ytnef
thofmann: libglademm24
thozza: netty, jmdns, arduino-builder, jython, os-maven-plugin
timj: bind-to-tinydns
timn: libglademm24, tomcat-taglibs-parent
tingping: transmission-remote-gtk
tkorbar: opendbx
tomh: perl-pgsql_perl5, tomcat-taglibs-parent
tpopela: ytnef
ttomecek: python-flask-migrate
ttorling: tomcat-taglibs-parent
tuxbrewr: knemo
twaugh: python-flask-migrate
twoerner: tomcat-taglibs-parent
umohnani: cri-tools
vakwetu: tomcat-taglibs-parent
van: tomcat-taglibs-parent
vascom: netty, jmdns, arduino-builder, jython, os-maven-plugin
verdurin: tomcat-taglibs-parent
vmaljulin: python-flask-migrate
volter: perl-pgsql_perl5
vrutkovs: python-flask-migrate
wsato: jomolhari-fonts
xavierb: ripmime, jomolhari-fonts
xmrbrz: arp-scan

The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora
Release Engineering. Please report issues at its pagure instance:
The sources of this script can be found at:
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