On Monday 11 October 2010 12:41:13 Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> This is in contrast to anaconda (certainly from the live CD install)
> which seems to be a usability no-go area.
> Thoughts?  Can we switch to their installer?
> Rich.

It may be nice usability-wise but it lacks support for LVM2, LUKS disk 
encryption and practically everything more advanced. It can't be automated 
using some equivalent to kickstart and it fails at all the stuff Anaconda 
subsumes unter "advanced storage devices". You can't even do the install from 
some remote place without setting anything up by hand. Ubuntu users requiring 
more than these very basic features have to go for the Debian text mode 
installer Ubuntu ships on their alternate media. 

Striving for usability and pleasantness for the untechnical users certainly is 
a good thing. It gets problematic when you choose to make things technically 
inferior just to please those kind of users.

So I don't think it's a good idea to switch to this, even if it was trivially 
possible to use with Fedora. But there's nothing preventing us to take the 
ubiquity features we enjoy most and enable Anaconda to do something similar.

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