On Mon, 2010-10-11 at 11:11 -0400, Chris Lumens wrote:
> >  - downloads updates in parallel too
> Package updates?
> >  - uses IP geolocation to guess the user's timezone and keyboard
> >    settings (it's been 100% correct for me each time)
> We can do this, it's just never really been brought up.  I'd like to
> rework a lot of the l10n stuff anyway, there just never seems to be
> time.

Would like to see this as well.

> >  - suggests a username and hostname based on the user's real name
> >    (Mac OS X's installer also does this -- it's a nice touch)
> If DNS knows a hostname, we will suggest that.  Of course it's not
> foolproof.

That's not it. Your name is entered (Chris Lumens) and from it you
should get a hostname (chris-lumens-fedora-desktop.local) as well as a
presentation name ("Chris Lumens' Fedora Desktop") which could be used
for things like services being advertised through avahi, or even the
default name for the Bluetooth adapters.

See xdg-hostname on Freedesktop.org. I'd definitely like to see
something like that move forward so people can have nice names for their
Bluetooth adapters on the machines, and remove the need for me to show a
text entry to change that name in gnome-bluetooth.

> mgracik is working on the username suggestion thing already.
> > Thoughts?  Can we switch to their installer?
> No.
> - Chris

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