On 10/13/2010 10:53 AM, Gilboa Davara wrote:

> When installing Fedora on machine with -large- amount of drives (8-16),
> I simply use a single sfdisk script to create the same partition table
> on all drives. When dealing with smaller configurations (3-4 drives),
> Anaconda is OK. (At least to me)
> As for MBR: I assume that like me, you create a small RAID1 for /boot
> and RAIDX for the rest, hoping the first disk won't die on a DVD-less
> machine :)
> In-order to solve it (when I remember to do it :)), I simply dd 446
> bytes from the first drive to every other drive.

Just curious: you script the creation of an identical partition table,
and then you copy 446 bytes which specifically copies the MBR without 
the partition table which is in bytes 447-512. Why not just copy the 
entire 512 bytes to all the disks from the first one?

I guess one reason might be if the disks did not have identical CHS 
geometry, which can happen for the identically sized disks. I have heard 
rumors that even a single model drives had been seen with different 
geometries in different firmware revisions.
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