Hey everybody,

we've recently deployed the changes needed to enable automatic RPM
release numbers and changelogs to Koji in staging, and now we want you
to throw things at it!

Detailed information is below, but the gist is: it looks like this will
be real sometime soon. This is the time to ensure we folks working on
it over the past weeks haven't left in any glaring errors.

We look forward to hearing from you!




In 2020, a prototype of rpmautospec was developed as feature for the
Koji build system to relieve Fedora contributors from manually
maintaining the release field and changelog of RPM packages. The
results were presented at Nest in August and were met with a positive

FESCo accepted this feature to be implemented with changes to the
underlying release enumeration logic for the Fedora 35 release, and
subsequently a CPE team resumed work on the project in April 2021 to
bring the revised proposal to fruition. After about 6 weeks of
development, the team are pleased to announce that a first version of
rpmautospec based on the new logic is ready to be tested in staging.

Changed requirements in comparison to the prototype--------------------

FESCO asked the team to implement a simplified release enumeration
algorithm. It basically just considers the number of commits since the
last time the version was changed and avoids storing information about
historical builds in git tags.

What it does at this stage of development

* When building packages in Koji/staging, the release field and
changelog are maintained automatically from the commits and their
log entries (more specifically, their subject lines) in the git
repository. The contents of a changelog file, if present in the
repository, will override any older commit log information, to allow
correcting/amending changelog entries after the fact.
* For the release field, flags for pre-release versions,
snapshot/extra version information and release number offset exist
and are honoured. This isn’t yet implemented for changelog entries,
though, i.e. generated changelog entries will have the plain release
number in their header even for pre-release or snapshot versions.
* The new git history traversal code follows forks in order to support
merging branches. For changelog generation, this means it follows a
parent with the same tree to support git merge -s ours. Unresolvable
merges (with content from disparate branches) won’t fail a build,
but this problem will be flagged in the changelog (as the oldest
* An API function is provided allowing 3rd party users like fedpkg,
rpmdev-bumpspec to check if rpmautospec features are used and adapt
to it where necessary. Pull requests to use this have been submitted
to rpmdev-bumpspec and fedpkg/rpkg.

What’s yet to come

* Reflect flags to %autorelease in generated changelog entries.
* Have `fedpkg local`, `fedpkg mockbuild` (possibly `fedpkg srpm`)
support rpmautospec features, i.e. prepare the SRPM on the fly as
Koji would do it before building.
* Allow for uncommitted changes in local builds with fedpkg, i.e. bump
the release number by one and generate a boilerplate “- uncommitted
changes” RPM changelog entry.
* Up-to-date and more complete documentation (real soon now).

Testing Information

 * Source code can be found here: https://pagure.io/fedora-
 * Installable packages are available for all supported Fedora
   from 33 onwards.
 * Quick Start:
    - The staging environment is separate from what you use day to day,
      changes to your account might not have made it there. Ensure you can
      into your Fedora account on staging, and that it is part of the
      groups (e.g. packager): https://accounts.stg.fedoraproject.org
      If you have issues with your staging account, please log a ticket
      Fedora Infrastructure here: https://pagure.io/fedora-
    - Clone the staging repository of a package: `fedpkg-stage clone ...`
    - Move the existing changelog entries beneath %changelog in the spec
      into a file named changelog in that same directory and add that file
      be tracked by git.
    - Enable automatic release number enumeration and changelog generation
      the spec file:

   ... Release: %autorelease ... %changelog %autochangelog

    - Commit these changes to git, push and build:

   git commit -m "Use automatic release and changelog" git push
   fedpkg-stage build
    - If you want to use the Koji CLI tool, point it at staging this way:
      koji --profile=stg ...
 * We are interested in issues concerning using rpmautospec, if you
   need help
   but also where its behavior is unexpected or even disruptive, such
    - (How) Can I do …?
    - My package doesn’t build if I use automatic release and/or
    - The automatically generated changelog of my package looks weird.
    - The documented way to do … doesn’t work.
    - I don’t use rpmautospec features, but it still touches my package.
 * If you have questions, contact us on IRC, the people on the team
   hang around
   e.g. in the #fedora-apps channel (among others) on irc.libera.chat.
 * Please file bugs here: https://pagure.io/fedora-
   Mind that time is scarce and therefore we have to triage/prioritize,
   not all bugs/issues may be addressed before we deploy to production.
 * For a quick turnaround, we will redeploy changes/fixes to the
   builders in
   staging without prior notice at any time, this can affect unfinished
   builds at the time.

Production-Ready Plans

The team are on track to deploy the project to production by end of
June 2021. We will coordinate the deployment in production with the
people from the Fedora Infra & Release Engineering teams and announce
it with more precise dates separately.

Feature ideas for future development------------------------------------

These items are out of scope for the initiative but we would like to
have them at some point. We might get around to some of these if time
permits, but no promises.

 * Convenience tooling like “convert spec file to using automatic
   release and changelog”, “freeze generated changelog to file for
   editing”, “show me the NVR of the next build”, etc.
 * “Magic comments” to e.g. skip commit logs for the changelog.
 * Longer changelog messages than just the commit log subject.


 * Project Repository: https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/rpmautospec
 * Nest Slides (Prototype):

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