On Thu, 2010-10-14 at 01:48 +0200, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Petr Sabata wrote:
> > I've been thinking about packaging dwm [1] since we already ship dmenu and
> > dzen2. I wonder if anybody would be interested in this fine window manager
> > (except for me).
> I think it's completely unreasonable to package that software, because of 
> this:
> > The problem here: dwm is configured solely in C and has to be recompiled
> > every time a user wants to change their settings (appearance, behavior,
> > shortcuts, etc). In my opinion, we could do it like this:
> > 
> >     - install a Fedora preconfigured version along with dwm sources
> >     - copy its configuration (C header file) to some fixed location for
> >       user to customize
> >     - provide a script to recompile dwm locally using the local
> >       configuration file
> Such a program is basically not packagable.

It can't be packaged in the sense of shipping binaries.  But if a
wrapper script is provided that automatically recompiles dwm for the
individual user whenever necessary, the software could be packaged in
the sense that it could be installed and updated with yum and would be
functional without user intervention.  The latter is my definition of
"packageable".  Compare to the akmods offered by RPM Fusion.


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