On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 10:51:08AM -0400, Brandon Lozza wrote:

> It doesn't help when a majority of voting FESCo members are biased
> Firefox users who seem to hate the idea of Iceweasel (based on what I
> gather from their meeting notes). There seem to be some preconceptions
> about what happens when you remove the branding. No conclusive data
> can be provided to indicate how much users Firefox brings the distro.

Actually, I generally use epiphany.

> I also don't appreciate the comment at the meeting about "non
> contributing" members on the mailing list complaining about this
> issue. It's an argument often used to ignore people with valid
> arguments who also don't happen to have a computer science degree.
> Some of us advocate Fedora and that in itself is a contribution.
> Fedora consists of volunteers in many areas, not all of them make
> packages or write code.

I should point out that my degrees are in biology and biology, and the 
one that I haven't quite got yet is in biology.

Matthew Garrett | mj...@srcf.ucam.org
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