I'm the CPAN owner of Net::Patricia (perl-Net-Patricia.rpm) and it currently 
supports IPv4 and IPv6.

Both are done with specialized data structures.

I'm looking for something that handles a more generic binary data blob... so 
that I could have arbitrary searches.

For instance, in Perl, I could seed the tree with:

$key = join('.', reverse(split(/\./, $domain)));
$keylen = length($key) * 8;

and then do rDNS tree searches for hostnames.

One could similarly imagine converting phone numbers into BCD and doing E.164 
searches in such a tree.

Net::Patricia currently uses a modified version of libpatricia from the MERIT 
Radius or SNMP code (forget which)... but it only handles IPv6 and IPv4 as I 

Ideally it would be an external library that I could just link to.

Anyone have a pointer?



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