The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will fail to install and/or build when the affected package gets 

Request package ownership via the *Take* button in he left column on<pkgname>

Full report available at:
grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain.

For human readable dependency chains,
For all orphaned packages,

            Package                      (co)maintainers           Status Change
Java-WebSocket                    orphan                           3 weeks ago
PyPAM                             orphan, tmraz                    1 weeks ago
arduino-ctags                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
asl                               orphan                           3 weeks ago
bitlbee-discord                   orphan                           6 weeks ago
bytelist                          lef, orphan                      3 weeks ago
cAudio                            orphan                           6 weeks ago
chaos-client                      go-sig, orphan                   3 weeks ago
chck                              fale, orphan, zvetlik            3 weeks ago
concurrent-trees                  hhorak, orphan                   3 weeks ago
conky-manager                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
couchdb                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
crlfuzz                           go-sig, orphan                   3 weeks ago
cuetools                          orphan                           3 weeks ago
dummy-test-package-rubino         asaleh, orphan, packagerbot,     3 weeks ago
                                  patrikp, scoady, wwoods
edac-utils                        orphan                           3 weeks ago
elog                              orphan                           6 weeks ago
erlang-certifi                    erlang-maint-sig, orphan         4 weeks ago
erlang-cf                         erlang-maint-sig, orphan         4 weeks ago
erlang-cth_readable               erlang-maint-sig, orphan         4 weeks ago
erlang-erlware_commons            erlang-maint-sig, orphan         4 weeks ago
erlang-eunit_formatters           erlang-maint-sig, orphan         4 weeks ago
erlang-exometer_core              orphan                           3 weeks ago
erlang-hex_core                   erlang-maint-sig, orphan         4 weeks ago
erlang-protobuffs                 orphan                           3 weeks ago
erlang-providers                  erlang-maint-sig, orphan         4 weeks ago
erlang-relx                       erlang-maint-sig, orphan         4 weeks ago
erlang-riak_api                   bowlofeggs, erlang-maint-sig,    3 weeks ago
erlang-riak_core                  bowlofeggs, erlang-maint-sig,    3 weeks ago
erlang-ssl_verify_fun             erlang-maint-sig, orphan         4 weeks ago
erlang-triq                       orphan                           3 weeks ago
fennel                            epel-packagers-sig, lua-         3 weeks ago
                                  packagers-sig, orphan
forbidden-apis                    jvanek, orphan                   3 weeks ago
gdata-sharp                       moezroy, orphan, tpokorra        3 weeks ago
gfm                               orphan                           6 weeks ago
gnu-getopt                        dwalluck, mizdebsk, orphan       3 weeks ago
golang-github-beevik-ntp          go-sig, orphan                   2 weeks ago
golang-github-dgraph-io-badger    orphan                           6 weeks ago
golang-github-dgraph-io-          orphan                           6 weeks ago
golang-github-ema-qdisc           go-sig, orphan                   2 weeks ago
golang-github-geziyor             orphan                           6 weeks ago
golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc         go-sig, orphan                   2 weeks ago
golang-github-mdlayher-           go-sig, orphan                   2 weeks ago
golang-github-mdlayher-wifi       go-sig, orphan                   2 weeks ago
golang-github-milochristiansen-   go-sig, orphan                   6 weeks ago
golang-github-milochristiansen-   go-sig, orphan                   6 weeks ago
golang-github-soundcloud-runit    go-sig, orphan                   2 weeks ago
ipmitool                          branto, jridky, orphan,          0 weeks ago
                                  pcahyna, praveenp
jsap                              orphan                           3 weeks ago
k3guitune                         orphan                           3 weeks ago
kexi                              kde-sig, orphan                  0 weeks ago
komparator                        orphan                           3 weeks ago
latex-mk                          orphan                           3 weeks ago
libcxl                            orphan                           5 weeks ago
libgaiagraphics                   orphan                           3 weeks ago
libocxl                           orphan                           5 weeks ago
librfid                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
libticables2                      orphan                           6 weeks ago
libticalcs2                       orphan                           6 weeks ago
libticonv                         orphan                           6 weeks ago
libtifiles2                       orphan                           6 weeks ago
llvm11.0                          orphan, tstellar                 3 weeks ago
mingw-colord-gtk                  gnome-sig, orphan                3 weeks ago
mir                               orphan                           2 weeks ago
mygui                             orphan                           6 weeks ago
naabu                             go-sig, orphan                   3 weeks ago
netcf                             berrange, orphan                 3 weeks ago
nuclei                            go-sig, orphan                   3 weeks ago
oci-kvm-hook                      orphan                           3 weeks ago
pam_mount                         lupinix, orphan, steve           3 weeks ago
passenger                         kanarip, orphan                  3 weeks ago
perl-OpenOffice-UNO               filabrazilska, orphan, scenek    3 weeks ago
plantuml                          gil, orphan                      0 weeks ago
plasma-applet-redshift-control    kde-sig, lupinix, orphan         3 weeks ago
postgres-decoderbufs              fjanus, hhorak, orphan,          3 weeks ago
purple-mattermost                 orphan                           6 weeks ago
python-sockjs-tornado             orphan, python-sig               6 weeks ago
qotd                              orphan                           6 weeks ago
quasselgrep                       orphan                           6 weeks ago
qwtpolar                          orphan                           3 weeks ago
rubygem-simple-navigation         orphan                           3 weeks ago
rubygem-six                       orphan                           3 weeks ago
rust-ruma-events                  orphan, rust-sig                 3 weeks ago
seahorse-sharing                  gnome-sig, orphan, stefw         3 weeks ago
shuffledns                        go-sig, orphan                   3 weeks ago
spasm-ng                          orphan                           6 weeks ago
sugar-visualmatch                 orphan                           3 weeks ago
tfdocgen                          orphan                           6 weeks ago
tilp2                             orphan                           6 weeks ago
trafshow                          orphan                           3 weeks ago
treefrog-framework                orphan                           6 weeks ago
truth                             orphan                           3 weeks ago
uglify-js1                        nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      6 weeks ago
umph                              orphan                           1 weeks ago
unshield                          orphan                           6 weeks ago
vanessa_logger                    orphan                           3 weeks ago
vgrive                            orphan                           3 weeks ago
wxpdfdoc                          orphan, swt2c                    3 weeks ago
xfce4-equake-plugin               cheese, orphan                   3 weeks ago
xoreos-tools                      orphan                           6 weeks ago
yecht                             orphan                           3 weeks ago
yydebug                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
zgrab2                            orphan                           6 weeks ago

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Report too long, see the full version at

See dependency chains of your packages at
See all orphaned packages at

Affected (co)maintainers (either directly or via packages' dependencies):
abbot: truth
abbra: ipmitool
achernya: truth
adev: truth
adrian: truth
akoutsou: golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc
alakatos: truth
alexl: truth
am1g0: truth
andreamanzi: truth
anoopcs: ipmitool
asaleh: dummy-test-package-rubino
asn: ipmitool
atim: truth
avagin: truth
avsej: truth
berrange: netcf, ipmitool
besser82: ipmitool
bofh80: golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc
bonzini: ipmitool
bowlofeggs: erlang-riak_core, erlang-riak_api, erlang-exometer_core, erlang-triq, erlang-protobuffs
branto: ipmitool
bruno: truth
caillon: truth
caolanm: truth
carlwgeorge: truth
cfeist: ipmitool
cheese: xfce4-equake-plugin
churchyard: truth
clalance: ipmitool
cockpit: golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc
codeblock: erlang-triq, erlang-protobuffs
comzeradd: truth
crobinso: ipmitool
dang: ipmitool
ddd: truth
defolos: truth
deji: truth
denisarnaud: truth
devos: ipmitool
dwalluck: gnu-getopt
dwmw2: ipmitool
dwrobel: plantuml
eclipseo: golang-github-ema-qdisc, golang-github-mdlayher-wifi, golang-github-mdlayher-genetlink, truth, golang-github-soundcloud-runit, golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc, golang-github-beevik-ntp
ehabkost: ipmitool
epel-packagers-sig: fennel
erlang-maint-sig: erlang-cf, erlang-riak_core, erlang-erlware_commons, erlang-riak_api, erlang-providers, erlang-hex_core, erlang-eunit_formatters, erlang-certifi, erlang-cth_readable, erlang-ssl_verify_fun, erlang-relx, erlang-exometer_core, erlang-triq, erlang-protobuffs
etrunko: truth
fab: truth
fale: chck
fantom: truth
filabrazilska: erlang-triq, erlang-protobuffs, perl-OpenOffice-UNO
filbranden: truth
fjanus: postgres-decoderbufs
fnux: erlang-triq, erlang-protobuffs
fujiwara: truth
gbitzes: truth
gd: ipmitool
gferon: truth
gil: plantuml
gnome-sig: mingw-colord-gtk, seahorse-sharing
go-sig: naabu, golang-github-ema-qdisc, chaos-client, golang-github-mdlayher-genetlink, golang-github-mdlayher-wifi, nuclei, truth, golang-github-soundcloud-runit, golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc, golang-github-beevik-ntp, golang-github-milochristiansen-axis2, shuffledns, crlfuzz, golang-github-milochristiansen-lua
grover: ipmitool
hguemar: truth
hhorak: postgres-decoderbufs, concurrent-trees, truth
hno: truth
hubbitus: vanessa_logger, truth
hvad: truth
iboukris: ipmitool
icheishvili: erlang-triq, erlang-protobuffs
idevat: ipmitool
ignatenkobrain: rust-ruma-events, truth
infra-sig: truth
jarrpa: ipmitool
java-sig: truth
jcline: erlang-triq, erlang-protobuffs
jcpunk: ipmitool
jeckersb: erlang-triq, erlang-protobuffs
jforbes: ipmitool
jiffintt: ipmitool
jjanco: truth
jjg: truth
jkucera: truth
jlayton: ipmitool
jlcjohn: truth
jmlich: truth
jonny: truth
jreznik: truth
jridky: truth, ipmitool
jskarvad: truth
jsteffan: truth, ipmitool
jstephen: ipmitool
jvanek: forbidden-apis
kanarip: passenger
kde-sig: plasma-applet-redshift-control, kexi, truth
kevin: ipmitool
kkeithle: ipmitool
kkofler: truth
konradm: truth
kwizart: truth
laine: ipmitool
larsu: golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc
leamas: jsap
lef: bytelist
leigh123linux: ipmitool
libvirt-maint: ipmitool
limb: truth
linkdupont: truth
ljavorsk: truth
lkundrak: erlang-triq, erlang-protobuffs, ipmitool
lua-packagers-sig: fennel
lupinix: pam_mount, plasma-applet-redshift-control
martinlanghoff: erlang-triq, erlang-protobuffs
martinpitt: golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc
marx: ipmitool
mayorga: truth
mbarnes: truth
mcrha: truth
mhayden: truth
michaelc: ipmitool
mikep: truth
mizdebsk: gnu-getopt, truth
mjakubicek: truth
mkulik: truth
mlisik: ipmitool
mlombard: ipmitool
mmuzila: truth
moceap: truth
moezroy: gdata-sharp
mruprich: truth
mschorm: truth
msehnout: golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc
mstevens: truth
music: truth
musuruan: truth
nforro: truth
ngompa: truth
njha: truth
nodejs-sig: uglify-js1
nonamedotc: ipmitool
oalbrigt: ipmitool
obnox: ipmitool
obudai: golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc
ochosi: golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc
odubaj: truth
okeeble: truth
olem: golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc
omular: ipmitool
orion: truth
osier: ipmitool
packagerbot: dummy-test-package-rubino
packit: golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc
panovotn: postgres-decoderbufs
patches: uglify-js1
patrikp: dummy-test-package-rubino
pbrobinson: truth
pcahyna: ipmitool
pemensik: truth
peter: erlang-cf, erlang-riak_core, erlang-erlware_commons, erlang-providers, erlang-hex_core, erlang-eunit_formatters, erlang-certifi, erlang-cth_readable, erlang-ssl_verify_fun, erlang-relx, erlang-exometer_core, erlang-triq, erlang-protobuffs
piotrp: truth
ppisar: truth
praveenp: ipmitool
pwalter: truth
python-sig: python-sockjs-tornado, truth
quintela: ipmitool
rathann: ipmitool
rdieter: truth
rebus: truth
rhughes: truth
rjones: ipmitool
rmattes: truth
robotics-sig: truth
rocha: truth
rsroka: truth
rstoyanov: truth
rstrode: truth
ruben: truth
rust-sig: rust-ruma-events, truth
s4504kr: erlang-triq, erlang-protobuffs
sagitter: truth
salimma: truth
sandeen: truth
scenek: perl-OpenOffice-UNO
scitech_sig: truth
scoady: dummy-test-package-rubino
sergiomb: truth
simo: ipmitool
skoduri: ipmitool
skottler: erlang-triq, erlang-protobuffs
smani: libgaiagraphics, truth
ssp: truth
stefw: seahorse-sharing
steve: pam_mount
swt2c: wxpdfdoc
tagoh: truth
tartare: truth
tdawson: truth
terjeros: ipmitool
than: truth
thofmann: truth
timn: truth
tjikkun: truth
tmraz: PyPAM
tojeline: ipmitool
tomegun: golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc
tomh: truth
torbuntu: truth
tpokorra: gdata-sharp
tstellar: llvm11.0
van: truth
vascom: truth, ipmitool
veillard: ipmitool
virtmaint-sig: ipmitool
vjancik: truth
vokac: truth
volter: truth
wwoods: dummy-test-package-rubino
xavierb: erlang-triq, erlang-protobuffs
xiubli: ipmitool
yanqiyu: truth
zfridric: truth
zmiklank: truth
zvetlik: chck

The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora
Release Engineering. Please report issues at its pagure instance:
The sources of this script can be found at:
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