On Fri, 05 Nov 2010 17:56:51 +0100, Ralf wrote:


> It doesn't tell the user that core dumps without reproducer are 
> worthless in most cases but blindly sends out reports

Parts of the Fedora user base "abuse" ABRT in that they refuse to
fill in the empty fields. Blame the reporters not the tool. It's too
easy for such people to open tickets via ABRT and then ignore
a maintainer's NEEDINFO request. It's disheartening in some cases, but
it's a people-problem not a tool-problem.

> Also, this produces incomplete traceback in many (IMO all) cases.

Cannot confirm that.  There seem to be some issues with not finding the
needed debuginfo packages, which may be related to frequent updates of
repos and older packages getting pruned. It may also be related to users
updating their boxes at strange times, e.g. seldomly but immediately after
a crash.
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