On 13.4.2022 08:04, David Bold wrote:

It seems I must be missing something? Why should we not care about a significant number of our users, just because other OSs have more users? Could you explain that?

First of all this is not significant number of Fedora's users ( or in the overall desktop ecosystem ) and secondly as David Cantrell already pointed out downstream distribution should not be expected to jump through hoops to support hardware vendors that are unwilling to participate in the open source Linux ecosystem.

The consumers of such hardware vendors should either stop buying their hardware ( like I did decades ago ) or contribute to opensource projects that provide the required support to be able to use that hardware.

And the idea that has been circulated that Fedora is supposed to be building third-party kernel modules ( since this security nightmare is being opened why limit it only to nvidia )  and *signing them* without being able to validate the content it is building is a security risk [1] that affects all Fedora users regardless if they use a third party module or not, is just outright ridiculous both from a security point of view as well as it will hinder participation on the projects that are trying to provide an opensource alternatives.


Ps. cc-ing devel list.

1. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/malware-now-using-nvidias-stolen-code-signing-certificates/?s=09
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