The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will fail to install and/or build when the affected package gets 

Request package ownership via the *Take* button in he left column on<pkgname>

Full report available at:
grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain.

For human readable dependency chains,
For all orphaned packages,

             Package                       (co)maintainers         Status Change
ez-pine-gpg                          orphan                        0 weeks ago
gfbgraph                             orphan                        2 weeks ago
gnome-online-accounts                gnome-sig, orphan             2 weeks ago
gnome-online-miners                  orphan, pranvk                2 weeks ago
golang-github-rubyist-tracerx        orphan                        0 weeks ago
gpart                                dcantrell, orphan             0 weeks ago
module-macros                        orphan                        0 weeks ago
netmask                              orphan                        0 weeks ago
pam_url                              herlo, orphan                 2 weeks ago
preproc                              orphan                        0 weeks ago
preproc-rpmspec                      orphan                        0 weeks ago
python-proteus                       orphan                        2 weeks ago
rpkg-macros                          orphan                        0 weeks ago
rpkg-util                            orphan                        0 weeks ago
rpm-git-tag-sort                     orphan                        0 weeks ago
rust-curve25519-dalek                orphan, rust-sig              1 weeks ago
tryton                               orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond                              orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-account                      orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-account-be                   orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-account-de-skr03             orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-account-invoice              orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-account-invoice-history      orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-account-invoice-line-        orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-account-product              orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-account-statement            orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon    orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-account-stock-continental    orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-analytic-account             orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-analytic-invoice             orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-analytic-purchase            orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-analytic-sale                orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-company                      orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-company-work-time            orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-country                      orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-currency                     orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-dashboard                    orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-google-maps                  orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-ldap-authentication          orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-party                        orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-party-siret                  orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-product                      orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-product-cost-fifo            orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-product-cost-history         orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-product-price-list           orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-project                      orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-project-plan                 orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-project-revenue              orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-purchase                     orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-purchase-invoice-line-       orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-sale                         orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-sale-opportunity             orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-sale-price-list              orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-stock                        orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-stock-forecast               orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-stock-inventory-location     orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-stock-location-sequence      orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-stock-product-location       orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-stock-supply                 orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-stock-supply-day             orphan                        2 weeks ago
trytond-timesheet                    orphan                        2 weeks ago
zuul                                 openstack-sig, orphan, zuul   1 weeks ago

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: gfbgraph (3), status change: 2022-06-16 (2 weeks ago)
        gnome-maps (maintained by: elad, gnome-sig, kalev, kathenas, zeenix)
                gnome-maps-42.2-1.fc37.x86_64 requires gfbgraph(x86-64) = 

        gnome-online-miners (maintained by: orphan, pranvk)
                gnome-online-miners-3.34.0-10.fc36.src requires gfbgraph-devel 
= 0.2.4-2.fc36
                gnome-online-miners-3.34.0-10.fc36.x86_64 requires

        gnome-photos (maintained by: gnome-sig, pranvk)
                gnome-photos-42.0-3.fc37.src requires 
pkgconfig(libgfbgraph-0.2) = 0.2.4
gnome-photos-42.0-3.fc37.x86_64 requires gfbgraph(x86-64) = 0.2.4-2.fc36, gnome-online-miners = 3.34.0-10.fc36,

Depending on: gnome-online-accounts (21), status change: 2022-06-16 (2 weeks 
        bijiben (maintained by: gnome-sig, mcrha, pwalter)
                bijiben-40.1-3.fc36.src requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 3.44.0
                bijiben-40.1-3.fc36.x86_64 requires

        cinnamon-control-center (maintained by: besser82, jcpunk, leigh123linux)
cinnamon-control-center-5.4.2-1.fc37.src requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 3.44.0, pkgconfig(goa-backend-1.0) = 3.44.0 cinnamon-control-center-5.4.2-1.fc37.x86_64 requires,

        claws-mail (maintained by: mschwendt)
                claws-mail-plugins-gdata-4.1.0-4.fc37.x86_64 requires

        deja-dup (maintained by: csmart, jiteshs, kengert, limb, pwalter)
                deja-dup-43.4-1.fc37.src requires gnome-online-accounts-devel = 

evolution-data-server (maintained by: alexl, caillon, caolanm, mbarnes, mcrha, rhughes, rstrode, ssp)
                evolution-data-server-3.44.3-1.fc37.i686 requires
                evolution-data-server-3.44.3-1.fc37.src requires 
pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 3.44.0
                evolution-data-server-3.44.3-1.fc37.x86_64 requires
evolution-data-server-devel-3.44.3-1.fc37.i686 requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 3.44.0 evolution-data-server-devel-3.44.3-1.fc37.x86_64 requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 3.44.0

        geary (maintained by: salimma, thm)
                geary-40.0-5.fc36.src requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 3.44.0
                geary-40.0-5.fc36.x86_64 requires

        gfbgraph (maintained by: orphan)
                gfbgraph-0.2.4-2.fc36.i686 requires
                gfbgraph-0.2.4-2.fc36.src requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 3.44.0
                gfbgraph-0.2.4-2.fc36.x86_64 requires
                gfbgraph-devel-0.2.4-2.fc36.i686 requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 
                gfbgraph-devel-0.2.4-2.fc36.x86_64 requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) 
= 3.44.0

        gnome-contacts (maintained by: alexl, gnome-sig, kalev, mcrha)
                gnome-contacts-42.0-1.fc37.src requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 
                gnome-contacts-42.0-1.fc37.x86_64 requires

        gnome-control-center (maintained by: gnome-sig, pwalter)
gnome-control-center-42.2-2.fc37.src requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 3.44.0, pkgconfig(goa-backend-1.0) = 3.44.0 gnome-control-center-42.2-2.fc37.x86_64 requires gnome-online-accounts(x86-64) = 3.44.0-1.fc37,,

        gnome-initial-setup (maintained by: gnome-sig, magcius, rtcm)
gnome-initial-setup-42.2-4.fc37.src requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 3.44.0, pkgconfig(goa-backend-1.0) = 3.44.0 gnome-initial-setup-42.2-4.fc37.x86_64 requires,

        gnome-music (maintained by: gnome-sig, kalev)
                gnome-music-42.1-2.fc37.noarch requires gnome-online-accounts = 
                gnome-music-42.1-2.fc37.src requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 3.44.0

        gnome-online-miners (maintained by: orphan, pranvk)
gnome-online-miners-3.34.0-10.fc36.src requires gnome-online-accounts-devel = 3.44.0-1.fc37
                gnome-online-miners-3.34.0-10.fc36.x86_64 requires

        gnome-photos (maintained by: gnome-sig, pranvk)
                gnome-photos-42.0-3.fc37.src requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 
                gnome-photos-42.0-3.fc37.x86_64 requires

        gnome-todo (maintained by: amigadave, gnome-sig, ignatenkobrain, mcrha)
                gnome-todo-41.0-3.fc36.src requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 3.44.0
                gnome-todo-41.0-3.fc36.x86_64 requires

        grilo-plugins (maintained by: gnome-sig, hadess, victortoso)
grilo-plugins-0.3.14-3.fc36.i686 requires gnome-online-accounts(x86-32) = 3.44.0-1.fc37, grilo-plugins-0.3.14-3.fc36.src requires gnome-online-accounts-devel = 3.44.0-1.fc37 grilo-plugins-0.3.14-3.fc36.x86_64 requires gnome-online-accounts(x86-64) = 3.44.0-1.fc37,

        gvfs (maintained by: alexl, oholy)
                gvfs-1.50.2-1.fc37.src requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 3.44.0
                gvfs-goa-1.50.2-1.fc37.x86_64 requires

        libgdata (maintained by: rakesh, rishi)
                libgdata-0.18.1-4.fc36.i686 requires
                libgdata-0.18.1-4.fc36.src requires gnome-online-accounts-devel 
= 3.44.0-1.fc37
                libgdata-0.18.1-4.fc36.x86_64 requires
                libgdata-devel-0.18.1-4.fc36.i686 requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) = 
                libgdata-devel-0.18.1-4.fc36.x86_64 requires pkgconfig(goa-1.0) 
= 3.44.0

        syncevolution (maintained by: mcrha)
syncevolution-1:2.0.0-3.fc36.src requires gnome-online-accounts-devel = 3.44.0-1.fc37

        cinnamon (maintained by: besser82, jcpunk, leigh123linux)
cinnamon-5.4.2-1.fc37.x86_64 requires cinnamon-control-center(x86-64) = 5.4.2-1.fc37

        cinnamon-session (maintained by: besser82, jcpunk, leigh123linux)
cinnamon-session-5.4.0-1.fc37.x86_64 requires cinnamon-control-center-filesystem = 5.4.2-1.fc37

        clawsker (maintained by: cwickert, mschwendt)
                clawsker-1.3.5-1.fc36.noarch requires claws-mail = 4.1.0-4.fc37

        Too many dependencies for gnome-online-accounts, not all listed here

Depending on: gnome-online-miners (1), status change: 2022-06-16 (2 weeks ago)
        gnome-photos (maintained by: gnome-sig, pranvk)
                gnome-photos-42.0-3.fc37.x86_64 requires gnome-online-miners = 

Depending on: golang-github-rubyist-tracerx (2), status change: 2022-07-02 (0 weeks ago)
        git-lfs (maintained by: carlwgeorge, go-sig, qulogic)
git-lfs-3.1.2-1.fc37.src requires golang( = 0-14.20190524git7879593.fc36 golang-github-git-lfs-3-devel-3.1.2-1.fc37.noarch requires golang( = 0-14.20190524git7879593.fc36

        sparkleshare (maintained by: tpokorra)
                sparkleshare-3.28-7.fc36.x86_64 requires git-lfs = 3.1.2-1.fc37

Depending on: preproc (4), status change: 2022-07-02 (0 weeks ago)
        preproc-rpmspec (maintained by: orphan)
preproc-rpmspec-1.3-3.fc36.noarch requires preproc = 0.5-4.fc36, rpkg-macros = 2.0-3.fc36

        rpkg-util (maintained by: orphan)
                rpkg-3.2-2.fc37.noarch requires preproc = 0.5-4.fc36, 
rpkg-macros = 2.0-3.fc36
                rpkg-util-3.2-2.fc37.src requires preproc = 0.5-4.fc36, 
rpkg-macros = 2.0-3.fc36

        rpkg-macros (maintained by: orphan)
                rpkg-macros-2.0-3.fc36.src requires preproc = 0.5-4.fc36

        copr-rpmbuild (maintained by: copr-sig, dturecek, frostyx, praiskup)
                copr-builder-0.58-1.fc37.x86_64 requires rpkg = 3.2-2.fc37

Depending on: rpkg-macros (3), status change: 2022-07-02 (0 weeks ago)
        preproc-rpmspec (maintained by: orphan)
                preproc-rpmspec-1.3-3.fc36.noarch requires rpkg-macros = 

        rpkg-util (maintained by: orphan)
                rpkg-3.2-2.fc37.noarch requires rpkg-macros = 2.0-3.fc36
                rpkg-util-3.2-2.fc37.src requires rpkg-macros = 2.0-3.fc36

        copr-rpmbuild (maintained by: copr-sig, dturecek, frostyx, praiskup)
                copr-builder-0.58-1.fc37.x86_64 requires rpkg = 3.2-2.fc37

Depending on: rpkg-util (1), status change: 2022-07-02 (0 weeks ago)
        copr-rpmbuild (maintained by: copr-sig, dturecek, frostyx, praiskup)
                copr-builder-0.58-1.fc37.x86_64 requires rpkg = 3.2-2.fc37

Depending on: rpm-git-tag-sort (4), status change: 2022-07-02 (0 weeks ago)
        rpkg-macros (maintained by: orphan)
                rpkg-macros-2.0-3.fc36.noarch requires rpm-git-tag-sort = 
                rpkg-macros-2.0-3.fc36.src requires rpm-git-tag-sort = 

        preproc-rpmspec (maintained by: orphan)
                preproc-rpmspec-1.3-3.fc36.noarch requires rpkg-macros = 

        rpkg-util (maintained by: orphan)
                rpkg-3.2-2.fc37.noarch requires rpkg-macros = 2.0-3.fc36
                rpkg-util-3.2-2.fc37.src requires rpkg-macros = 2.0-3.fc36

        copr-rpmbuild (maintained by: copr-sig, dturecek, frostyx, praiskup)
                copr-builder-0.58-1.fc37.x86_64 requires rpkg = 3.2-2.fc37

Depending on: trytond (44), status change: 2022-06-16 (2 weeks ago)
        python-proteus (maintained by: orphan)
                python-proteus-4.0.2-17.fc35.noarch requires tryton(kernel) = 

        trytond-* (maintained by: orphan)
                all the trytond-* packages depend on trytond
                they also depend on each other, omitted for brevity

See dependency chains of your packages at
See all orphaned packages at

Affected (co)maintainers (either directly or via packages' dependencies):
alexl: gnome-online-accounts
amigadave: gnome-online-accounts
besser82: gnome-online-accounts
caillon: gnome-online-accounts
caolanm: gnome-online-accounts
carlwgeorge: golang-github-rubyist-tracerx
copr-sig: rpm-git-tag-sort, rpkg-util, rpkg-macros, preproc
csmart: gnome-online-accounts
cwickert: gnome-online-accounts
dcantrell: gpart
dturecek: rpm-git-tag-sort, rpkg-util, rpkg-macros, preproc
elad: gfbgraph
frostyx: rpm-git-tag-sort, rpkg-util, rpkg-macros, preproc
gnome-sig: gnome-online-accounts, gfbgraph, gnome-online-miners
go-sig: golang-github-rubyist-tracerx
hadess: gnome-online-accounts
herlo: pam_url
ignatenkobrain: gnome-online-accounts
jcpunk: gnome-online-accounts
jiteshs: gnome-online-accounts
kalev: gnome-online-accounts, gfbgraph
kathenas: gfbgraph
kengert: gnome-online-accounts
leigh123linux: gnome-online-accounts
limb: gnome-online-accounts
magcius: gnome-online-accounts
mbarnes: gnome-online-accounts
mcrha: gnome-online-accounts
mschwendt: gnome-online-accounts
oholy: gnome-online-accounts
openstack-sig: zuul
praiskup: rpm-git-tag-sort, rpkg-util, rpkg-macros, preproc
pranvk: gnome-online-accounts, gfbgraph, gnome-online-miners
pwalter: gnome-online-accounts
qulogic: golang-github-rubyist-tracerx
rakesh: gnome-online-accounts
rhughes: gnome-online-accounts
rishi: gnome-online-accounts
rstrode: gnome-online-accounts
rtcm: gnome-online-accounts
rust-sig: rust-curve25519-dalek
salimma: gnome-online-accounts
ssp: gnome-online-accounts
thm: gnome-online-accounts
tpokorra: golang-github-rubyist-tracerx
victortoso: gnome-online-accounts
zeenix: gfbgraph
zuul: zuul

The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora
Release Engineering. Please report issues at its pagure instance:
The sources of this script can be found at:

Report finished at 2022-07-04 11:28:04 UTC
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