Il 19/08/22 07:17, Adam Williamson ha scritto:
> On Thu, 2022-08-18 at 17:28 -0400, Ben Cotton wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> I just completed the first run of FESCo's newly approved Inactive
>> Packager Policy[1]. Packagers that have been identified as inactive
>> have a ticket in the find-inactive-packagers repo[2]. One week after
>> the F37 final release, packagers who remain inactive will be removed
>> from the packager group. (Note that is one of the systems
>> checked for activity, so commenting on your ticket that you're still
>> around will prevent you from showing up in the second round.)
> So on this point specifically - I had a look through the tickets for
> interest, and saw two cases where people replied to the ticket to say
> essentially "yes, it's fine to take away my packager rights". Which,
> ironically, would prevent it from happening, it seems.
> Can we handle that? Can you manually flag those cases to continue
> through the process, or something?

Unfortunately, with the script in the current status **ALL** tickets
need to be handled manually. This kind of reply from a user is what it
made me choose to not handle opened tickets automatically when I
initially wrote the script. I know this will going to be painful in this
first run, but in following runs I'd expect only a bunch of tickets to
be created.

It can however be enhanced, maybe we can add a specific tag
"requested_removal" so that the script knows how to handle them (in a
future version). But it will always need a manual intervention to add
the tag to the ticket.


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