On Tue, 2010-11-30 at 16:29 -0600, Michael Cronenworth wrote:
> Matt Domsch wrote:
> >> >  Yes, your system, on new install, or if you delete
> >> >  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and the HWADDR lines from
> >> >  /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*, will then use the new names.
> > specifically, em0 for the above device, and em<Type Instance>  for the
> > second NIC specified in SMBIOS...
> OK. Perhaps the wiki should be updated to state the feature works more 
> generically (SMBIOS 2.6+) and not for just Dell/HP systems?


And also, I'd love to see fewer attacks on Dell here. Matt is doing good
work that is generic and uses open standards that can be implemented by
many vendors. The fact that some have yet to move on SMBIOS struct type
additions reflects on them alone.

> Interesting work, Matt. I'm surprised the Unix purists who would fight 
> you to death to keep sendmail on desktops would allow you to change the 
> almighty eth* naming scheme.

Because it makes *sense* and is in keeping with UNIX tradition on many
systems. I'm all for making all manner of changes when there is a
justification that is rationalized and the benefits can be explained.
When it's hand wavy "this is good" type stuff, I feel different :)


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